[SOLVED] postUpdate - not working properly

The items used with HTTP Binding to gather data (once for 1 second):

//items for JSONPATH (gather data from Arduino, PowerManagement board)
Number EolianEvent { http="<[arduino:1000:JSONPATH($.Eoliana.[0])]" }
DateTime EolianLastUpdated
Number SolarEvent { http="<[arduino:1000:JSONPATH($.Solar.[0])]" }
DateTime SolarLastUpdated
Number BatteryEvent { http="<[arduino:1000:JSONPATH($.Baterii.[0])]" }
DateTime BatteryLastUpdated 

The item used for postUpdate in order to display in HABPanel:

String HabpanelBattery "HabpanelBattery"

The rule:

var Timer timer = null
val String status = null //battery bank status
val b = (BatteryEvent.state() as Number) 

rule "battery bank status"
when Item BatteryEvent changed  
    //define status of the battery bank
    if (b >= 114){status = "OVER"}
    else if (b < 114 && b >=102) {status = "NORMAL"} 
    else if (b < 102 && b >= 96) {status = "ECO"}
    else if (b <  96 && b >= 86) {status = "UNDER"}
    else if (b < 86 || b == null) {status = "Error"}

HabpanelBattery.postUpdate(status)  //display data in Habpanel

Tried already: increased time for HTTP Binding to sync data once per 10 sec (instead of 1 by default) but no results. I have to mention that data coming once per 1 second from HTTP Binding is displayed in HABPanel instantly, without any delay.

The issue:
HABPanel update the item HabpanelBattery (Dummy Settings widget) when I manually saved the rule. Otherwise not at all.

    Item BatteryEvent changed  
    var b = (BatteryEvent.state as Number).intValue
    var String status

    if      (b >=114) {status = "OVER"}
    else if (b >=102) {status = "NORMAL"} 
    else if (b >= 96) {status = "ECO"}
    else if (b >= 86) {status = "UNDER"}
    else              {status = "Error"}


Smart guy… yeap, it’s working well now!
But, Harry, my initial intention was to declare a global variable (called: status) and store data into… then I would like to use this global var and stored data later in other rules. How I can achieve that if “status” is a local var only now?

var String status = null

rule "battery bank status"
    Item BatteryEvent changed  
    var b = (BatteryEvent.state as Number).intValue

    if      (b >=114) {status = "OVER"}
    else if (b >=102) {status = "NORMAL"} 
    else if (b >= 96) {status = "ECO"}
    else if (b >= 86) {status = "UNDER"}
    else              {status = "Error"}


Thanks, Harry, it’s working.