[SOLVED] RegEx transformation service for Rules


I got a little problem with the RegEx transformation service

The first capturing group becomes the result of the transformation

But I dont want that. I want to get the second capturing group or the third and so on.

I got my item, grep the name and I want to build a String with given item.

First RegEx would be

var getDir = transform("REGEX", "(\\w\\d+).*", item.name().toString())

and the second would be

var getPDF = transform("REGEX", "(\\w\\d+)(\\w+\\d+).*", item.name().toString())

but I can’t get the 2nd group.
Is there a possibility to get the 2nd group?
If no is there an alternative way?

You know the value of the first group, so you can use it:

var getPDF = transform("REGEX", getDir + "(\\w+\\d+).*", item.name.toString)

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Okay maybe I was not clear.

var getDir = transform("REGEX", "(\\w\\d+).*", item.name().toString())

gets C2 FROM C2SM01

Your RegEx will give the full name

var getPDF = transform("REGEX", getDir + "(\\w+\\d+).*", item.name.toString)

getPDF: C2SM01

BUT I want SM01


MY MISTAKE! I did not read your regex correctly! SORRY! Yours is correct! Thank you!

Nah, did you try it?


Finds literal C2, then matches the first capturing group, which would be SM01.

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with yours it would be this RegEx ^C2(\w+\d+).*$

	var getDir = transform("REGEX", "(\\w\\d+).*", item.name().toString())
	var getPDF = transform("REGEX", getDir + "(\\w+\\d+).*", item.name.toString)

with matches the item.name() C2SM01 which delivers SM01

Side note: As I believe you are using openHAB 2, you should refer to the openHAB 2 documentation first. http://docs.openhab.org/addons/transformations/regex/readme.html