[SOLVED] RFLink Binding Problem or Feature of ALLON?


i use OH v2.4 and Binding v2.3.
Everything seems to work good, but one thing

Here is Debug from one of the remote controls that i receive

2019-01-24 12:51:11.000 [DEBUG] [scovery.RfLinkDeviceDiscoveryService] - Received: bridge: rflink:bridge:usb0 message: Raw data = 20;36;NewKaku;ID=00076000;SWITCH=5;CMD=OFF;, Seq number = 54, Device name = NewKaku, Device ID = 00076000-5, Command = OFF, Contact = CLOSED

2019-01-24 12:51:11.004 [DEBUG] [binding.rflink.handler.RfLinkHandler] - Message from bridge rflink:bridge:usb0 from device [NewKaku-00076000-5] type [RfLinkSwitchMessage] matched

2019-01-24 12:51:11.007 [DEBUG] [binding.rflink.handler.RfLinkHandler] - Update channel: contact, state: CLOSED

2019-01-24 12:51:11.013 [DEBUG] [binding.rflink.handler.RfLinkHandler] - Update channel: command, state: OFF

So switch got OFF command.

But if i push last button to turn All 4 channels OFF, i get

2019-01-24 12:51:09.941 [DEBUG] [g.rflink.handler.RfLinkBridgeHandler] - Message received: Raw data = 20;32;NewKaku;ID=00076000;SWITCH=1;CMD=ALLOFF;, Seq number = 50, Device name = NewKaku, Device ID = 00076000-1, Command = NULL, Contact = UNDEF, running against 3 listeners

2019-01-24 12:51:09.946 [DEBUG] [scovery.RfLinkDeviceDiscoveryService] - Received: bridge: rflink:bridge:usb0 message: Raw data = 20;32;NewKaku;ID=00076000;SWITCH=1;CMD=ALLOFF;, Seq number = 50, Device name = NewKaku, Device ID = 00076000-1, Command = NULL, Contact = UNDEF

2019-01-24 12:51:09.951 [DEBUG] [binding.rflink.handler.RfLinkHandler] - Message from bridge rflink:bridge:usb0 from device [NewKaku-00076000-1] type [RfLinkSwitchMessage] matched

2019-01-24 12:51:09.955 [DEBUG] [binding.rflink.handler.RfLinkHandler] - Update channel: contact, state: UNDEF

2019-01-24 12:51:09.960 [DEBUG] [binding.rflink.handler.RfLinkHandler] - Update channel: command, state: NULL

In this case is Command = NULL but the command was not null but CMD=ALLOFF

How can i get if fixed?

Does this always happen or just after a OH restart? Are you using persistence on any of the items?

Solved in new Binding https://github.com/cyrilcc/org.openhab.binding.rflink/issues/42
But i wrote a serial parserby myself)))

Good to know.:+1:

I edited the title to start with [Solved], maybe this will help others find a quick solution.:grinning:
