[SOLVED] RFXCom and Nexa KD101 smoke alarm unsupported (Security1)


I can´t get my KD101 Smoke detectors to work with OH1.8.3 on windows.
With RFXmgr i can both receive and trigger the detectors. Pasted the package below.

So this is a suggestion for added functionality :wink:

Packettype    = Security1
subtype       = KD101 smoke detector
Sequence nbr  = 1
id1-3         = 974000
status        = Panic
Signal level  = 6

(My first posting here, hope I did follow practice here. And I´ve tried to search for this)

Security1 messages are already supported. Most probably your problems is related to device id, as RFXCOM binding use decimal numbers and RFXmgr use hex values.

If you enable debug logging for RFXCOM binding, you should be able to see received messages from the log.

Your item configuration for security1 status updates should be something like below

String SmokeDetectorStatus { rfxcom="<9912320:Status" }

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Thanks! That´s the solution!

The Hex to Dec I was aware of and had taken care of.

But I tried several different syntaxes for the second part inspired by the example of a Security1 setup on https://github.com/openhab/openhab/wiki/RFXCOM-Binding
Security1.KD101.Status, Security1.Status, Security1.KD101, Security1.KD101.Panic, Security1.Status.Panic etc. Never crossed my mind that you did not need “Security1”-part at all.

String GF_Corridor_SmokeSensor "Smoke Detector Hallway" {rfxcom="<9912320:Status"}
rule "Smoke Alert KD101"
	Item GF_Corridor_SmokeSensor received update PANIC 
	sendNotification("x@x.x", "FIRE ALERT")

Well, now Google will inform others of this at least… :wink: