[SOLVED] RFXCOM binding with RFY protocol and ASA subprotocol

First, with the windows util configure the blinds

Second, install Rfxcmd from GitHub - ssjoholm/rfxcmd: Rewrite of RFXcmd, please use RFXcmd_GC instead.

Third, add openhab user to sudoers group

Use the next item for a blind:

Rollershutter frontshutter “front house shutterl” { exec=“DOWN:/usr/bin/sudo /home/pi/rfxcmd/./rfxcmd.py -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -s 0D1A03200000010103A100000000 -v , UP:/usr/bin/sudo /home/pi/rfxcmd/./rfxcmd.py -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -s 0D1A03200000010101A100000000 -v, STOP:/usr/bin/sudo /home/pi/rfxcmd/./rfxcmd.py -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -s 0D1A03200000010100A100000000 -v” }

And the next line in sitemap:

Switch item=frontshutter

The codes in the item file must be configured with next rules:

0D : chain length (14 octets)
1A : trame type (RTS)
03 : subtype ASA
20 : sequence number
010405 : device code configured in rfxcom windows util
01 : unitcode
03 : ordre (up 01 / down 03 / stop 00)
A1 : signal level
00000000 : padding