I’m using the OWM binding, and am using a SCALE transform to transform the wind direction into human-readable wind directions (e.g., NNE, SW…).
This is the OWM item using the SCALE transform:
Number:Dimensionless Weather_OWM_Current_WindDirection "Current wind direction [SCALE(wind.scale):%s]" {channel="openweathermap:weather-and-forecast:c06828c6:local:current#wind-direction"}
So far so good, but when the wind direction is set to UNDEF then the SCALE transform bails out with an error.
2019-02-26 12:31:33.513 [WARN ] [rm.AbstractFileTransformationService] - Could not transform 'UNDEF' with the file 'wind.scale' : Scale can only be used with numeric inputs or valid quantity types
I’ve tried adding a catch-all transform rule in the wind.scale file, but so far to no avail:
[0..11.25[ = N
[11.25..33.75[ = NNE
[33.75..56.25[ = NE
[56.25..78.75[ = ENE
[78.75..101.25[ = E
[101.25..123.75[ = ESE
[123.75..146.25[ = SE
[146.25..168.75[ = SSE
[168.75..191.25[ = S
[191.25..213.75[ = SSW
[213.75..236.25[ = SW
[236.25..258.75[ = WSW
[258.75..281.25[ = W
[281.25..303.75[ = WNW
[303.75..326.25[ = NW
[326.25..348.75[ = NNW
[348.75..360] = N
[..] = (undefined)
Any clues? Or should I create a proxy Item and a rule to address this case?
Scale transformation works on numbers only. So you need to tweak it in ordwr to set the UNDEF to something that is a number. Proxy item with rule that converts UNDEF to 0 (or whatever durection you like) and use the scale teansformation in the second item. Or use a javascript that does it all at once.
Number:Angle Wx_OWM_Current_Wind_Direction "Wind Direction [%d °]" <wind> (gWeatherCurrent) {channel="openweathermap:weather-and-forecast:77e8fd82:local:current#wind-direction"}
// The following Item will be set with a rule to address the non-numeric values that cannot be transformed through SCALE:
String Wx_OWM_Current_Wind_Direction_Simplified "Wind Direction [%s]" <wind> (gWeatherCurrent)
rule "Update simplified wind direction"
Item Wx_OWM_Current_Wind_Direction changed
val String ruleTitle = "UpdateOWMCurrentWindDirection"
var String status = ""
var boolean error = true
if (Wx_OWM_Current_Wind_Direction.state == NULL) { // Error
status = "(not set)"
} else if (Wx_OWM_Current_Wind_Direction.state == UNDEF) { // OWM may not return a forecast value
status = "(undefined)"
} else if (Wx_OWM_Current_Wind_Direction.state instanceof Number) {
status = transform("SCALE", "wind.scale", Wx_OWM_Current_Wind_Direction.state.toString())
error = false
} else { // Unexpected state type
status = "(invalid: " + Wx_OWM_Current_Wind_Direction.state.toString() + ")"
if (error) {
logWarn(ruleTitle, "{} has state '{}', expecting Number", Wx_OWM_Current_Wind_Direction.name, Wx_OWM_Current_Wind_Direction.state.toString())
} else {
logDebug(ruleTitle, "{} has Number state '{}'", Wx_OWM_Current_Wind_Direction.name, Wx_OWM_Current_Wind_Direction.state.toString())
postUpdate(Wx_OWM_Current_Wind_Direction_Simplified, status)
Default item=Wx_OWM_Current_Wind_Direction
Default item=Wx_OWM_Current_Wind_Direction_Simplified
I could also decide to hide Wx_OWM_Current_Wind_Direction_Simplified if the wind direction is non-numeric by introducing yet another proxy item.
If SCALE would allow non-numeric catch-phrases, then there would be no need for this rather convoluted fix. But now I can also persist the simplified wind directions easily without triggering errors.