[SOLVED] Show a graphic/URL in a submap / in sitemap direct it works

I create live graphic with Grafana and will show some graphs in a “submap” (not on the startmap), but don’t know how or if this is not possible.
In a sitemap I use (successfull) Webview url=…, but how can I use this in a “Group” (submap) ?

Here my example sitemap:

sitemap mHOME label="mHOME"
    Frame label="Locations"
        Group item=GF
        Group item=FF
        Group item=OS
        Group item=DIV
    Frame label="Kompakte Infos" icon="smiley"
        Switch item=AtHome label="Zuhause, anwesend" mappings=[OFF="Unterwegs",ON="Zu Hause"] icon="parents_5_2"
        Text item=Rain_1h label="Regenmenge letzte Stunde [%d Liter]" icon="rain"
        Text item=Rain_24h label="Regenmenge letzten 24 Stunden [%d Liter]" icon="rain"
        Text item=e_consumption_day label="Stromverbrauch gestern: [%.0f W]" icon="poweroutlet_eu"
        Text item=w_consumption_act label="Wasserverbrauch Aktuell [%.1f L/h]" icon="water"
         // THIS URL/Graphic WORKS, on „MAIN-SCREEN“:
         //         (But should be part from a group (sub-page) like FF (FirstFloor) or DIV)
        Webview url="http://openhabianpi:3000/d-solo/Il-rxxxzRk/strom-live-01?refresh=5s&orgId=1&panelId=2\" width=\"650\" height=\"200\" frameborder=\"0\"" height=6

The graphic should be shown (i.e.) when clicking on the subscreen “DIV” (actuall there is shown the time from sunrises etc).
Configured in a climate.items file:

DateTime Sunset
  "Sonnenuntergang [%1$tH:%1$tM]"

How can I add here a Webview URL (or link to a graph) ?

    Frame label="Locations"
        Group item=GF
        Group item=FF
        Group item=OS
        Text item=DIV {
            Text item=Sunset
            Webview url="asfsadga"

Yes, this works, thanks!

But than I “lost” all my items which are part from the “DIV” group (and I see before here “automatically”.

I have to add them here manually and can’t use the given group “DIV” they already have, correct?

It is better to define your sitemap elements individually rather than rely on the group trick.
Displaying a group is not consistent. The order of the item can change and you can’t apply things like mapping…

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Thanks a lot, I will do so!