[SOLVED] Sitemap: dynamic icon for heating with standard icon "heating"


I’m trying to understand how I can use the standard icon “heating” in a dynamic way within a sitemap. I’m aware on the dynamic items documentation. But how do I find out which different icon versions are available in the standard set?


I’m pretty sure there are versions showing different levels (so e.g. only the blue one is in color and the others are in grey).

But I do not find the files on my Debian installation.

There are here:

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Thank you @vzorglub for this link!

@claus.angermeier I downloaded the whole github smarthome - only to get this icon folder.

Then i renamed the icons (cause not using them in a sauna …)

item file:

Number:Temperature Heating_SetTemperature "Temperatur Set [%.1f %unit%]"  <heating>

Nice to watch: settting a new temperature changes the item icon immediately. :slight_smile:

(Items: still missing a classic “living room” oder “diner room” icon. )


Here’s another link for free icons.

You could have clicked on the icon files to download them individually

I am using them as icons for heating valve state. The temperature icon for the room temperature.

Hi Richard,

Sorry for bumping the topic up again, I know its 9 months old now.

However, are you able to confirm how you made the icons change? I’d like on and off images if possible. Can you also confirm which location i should be putting these images? Should they be in the html folder?

Many thanks,
