[Solved] Sitemap Validation issues Linkable widget should contain either only frames or none at all

Hello this is my sitemap configuration:

and the error is

Validation issues found in configuration model 'default.sitemap', using it anyway:

Linkable widget should contain either only frames or none at all

What is wrong in the configuration?

There is nothing wrong :slightly_smiling_face:
I have this also since a very long time.
I think I added a pair of parenthesis to get a new frame.
So don’t care about.

I think this is not valid to define a Group with { }. Group is an “endpoint” and will automatically open a new frame containing its members when you click on it.

Either you have not shown us the whole sitemap, or your first “sitemap” line is missing.

			Group item=group_house_actualpower

			Text item=group_house_sensorbattery


This is the structure it is complaining about.
You cannot have Frames and any other widget on the same “level” or depth of nesting.

Here Group, Text, Frame are all on the same level, this is wrong.

If you think about the UI drawing up each screen, it has to have all Frame boxes drawn which it can then fill in with other stuff, or no Frames at all, just a list of stuff.


How can I do this than correctly??

I don’t know what you want.

This is good structure

Sitemap xxxx
Frame {
Frame {
   Text   {    // this starts a "sub-page"
      Frame {
      Frame {
   }    // this ends the sub-page

At any one “depth”, it must either be all frames or no frames. Keeping good indentation like you already do is only cosmetic, but really helpful.

If you think about what that example will actually render -
The “home” page will be

-- Frame --
|  Stuff  |
-- Frame --
|  Stuff  |

Everything is contained within frames.
If you click on the Text {}, it will open up a “new page”. The new page will be rendered in much the same way - two Frames with all content inside the frames.

What you cannot do, is try to do this -

-- Frame --
|  Stuff  |

You cannot render a page with part frame, part unframed. If there is any frame in this page view, everything shown must go inside a frame.
Each “page” must follow the rules - no frames, or everything inside frames.


Ok understood and correct thanks…solved