[SOLVED]State gets no updates

I use the ELV Modul with Raspberrymatic to get Datas from Homematic Sensors etc.
In the webgui from raspberrymatic the Status changed from an windowcontact and in the paperui I can see the Sensor. I created an item with the paperui and the status from the sensor item changes in the sitemap.
I want to manage all items with the help of item Files.
Now I create an items file for the sensor with the following text
Group kontakte
String Wintergarten_Tuer “Wintergarten Tür [MAP(kontakte.map):%s]” (kontakte) {channel=“homematic:HM-Sec-SCo:63f2dc67:NEQ0941165:1#STATE”}

And the transform file
NULL=keine Daten
-=keine Daten

i copied the Line out of paperui, but the Sensor in the sitemap never changes the status.

Has someone an idea?

I could resolve the problem.

I changed the item to
Contact Wintergarten_Tuer “Wintergarten Tür [MAP(kontakte.map):%s]” (kontakte) {channel=“homematic:HM-Sec-SCo:63f2dc67:NEQ0941165:1#STATE”}