[SOLVED] Strange Values for LaCrosse Sensor

Hi all,

I am running OH on a synology ds 918+. and I finally got a Jeelink V3 working and added 3 LaCrosse Temp Sensors. Those are included in my sitemap and seemed to work quite well.
But I just noticed that the value displayed for the outdoor sensor switches between correct value and the value of the living room sensor every 20-30 seconds.
When I look at the Control in Paper UI it shows two values, the one created automatically through Paper UI (Temperature)and the one I’ve defined in my items file (Außen). The system generated item stays on the correct value while the one from the items file alternates between correct value and value from the living room sensor.
Any ideas what is happening here?




Number:Temperature Temperatur_OD "Außen [%.1f %unit%]" <temperature> (Temp) {channel="jeelink:lacrosse:33:temperature"}

I don’t think it’s the case but might it be possible that the “Außen” Sensor has the same ID as the Indoor sensor?

Hi Jonas,

I already checked the IDs and channels, everything correct. If the sensor would have the same ID I would also expect issues with the indoor sensor.

However, the living room sensor was there first and I added the outdoor sensor by copying the lines in the items file and updating the names. I forgot to update the channel initially and changed that later, when I realized it was showing the wrong values.
Maybe theres is a kind of an old instance of the item still active somewhere in the background.
I’ll restart openHAB when I am back home and see if that changes anything.



Ok, restarted openHAB on the diskstation and the problem seems to be gone.:frowning:
“Have you tried turning it off and on again?” … should have tried that earlier. Anyway, maybe the description of the issue is usefull for someone. :grinning:

Yep, sometimes you may need to clean the cache and tmp files to rid the system of old instances. In your case a simple restart did the trick.:+1:

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