[SOLVED] Update failed

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3
    • OS: Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)
    • Java Runtime Environment: Unknown, get an error on “java -version”
    • openHAB version: 3.2.0 - Release Build
  • Issue of the topic: please be detailed explaining your issue
  • Please post configurations (if applicable):
    • Items configuration related to the issue
    • Sitemap configuration related to the issue
    • Rules code related to the issue
    • Services configuration related to the issue
  • If logs where generated please post these here using code fences:

Till this morning, everything worked fine, I just wanted to update all the packages so I SSH’ed into the Pi and run: sudo openhabian-config

Alle updates went well, till the last one, Java. It showed this error:
There was an error or interruption during the execution of: │
│ “02 | Upgrade System”

I rebooted and the system starts, but nothin is working, can’t access the WebGUI and when I run “java -version” this is the output:
java: error while loading shared libraries: libjli.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Which I guess is the cause of the problem, can’t seem to figure out how to fix this. I tried:

sudo rm /usr/bin/java
And run the update script again under “sudo openhabian-config” but still the same errors.

When I try:
sudo update-alternatives --config java

This is the output:

There is only one alternative in link group java (providing /usr/bin/java): /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/java

Nothing to configure.

And below the output when the update under “sudo openhabian-config” fails:

**openhabian@openHABianPi**:**~ $** sudo openhabian-config

[sudo] password for openhabian:

2022-01-21_10:51:57_CET [openHABian] Checking for root privileges... OK

2022-01-21_10:51:58_CET [openHABian] Loading configuration file '/etc/openhabian.conf'... OK

2022-01-21_10:51:58_CET [openHABian] openHABian configuration tool version: [openHAB3]{2021-12-02T09:19:37-07:00}(bb960d8)

2022-01-21_10:51:58_CET [openHABian] Checking for changes in origin branch openHAB3... OK

2022-01-21_10:52:04_CET [openHABian] Switching to branch openHAB3... OK

2022-01-21_10:52:04_CET [openHABian] Adding slightly tuned bash configuration files to system... OK

2022-01-21_10:52:09_CET [openHABian] Updating Linux package information... OK

2022-01-21_10:52:10_CET [openHABian] Updating repositories and upgrading installed packages...

Reading package lists... Done

Building dependency tree

Reading state information... Done

Calculating upgrade... Done

0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

2022-01-21_10:52:12_CET [openHABian] Installing Java Zulu prerequisites (libc, libstdc++, zlib1g)... OK

2022-01-21_10:52:14_CET [openHABian] Downloading Java Zulu 11 32-Bit OpenJDK... OK

2022-01-21_10:53:31_CET [openHABian] Installing Java Zulu 11 32-Bit OpenJDK... OK

2022-01-21_10:53:42_CET [openHABian] Installing Java Zulu CEK to enable unlimited cipher strength... OK


2022-01-21_10:55:20_CET [openHABian] Checking for default openHABian username:password combination... OK

2022-01-21_10:55:20_CET [openHABian] We hope you got what you came for! See you again soon ;)

I really don’t know how to fix this now, any suggestions?

I just set the debug mode to maximum and run it again, this is the output:

+ java_install_or_update Zulu8-32
+ local branch
++ git -C /opt/openhabian rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
+ branch=openHAB3
++ command -v java
+ [[ -x '' ]]
++ command -v java
+ [[ -x '' ]]
+ [[ Zulu11-32 == \Z\u\l\u\8\-\3\2 ]]
+ [[ Zulu8-32 == \A\d\o\p\t\1\1 ]]
+ [[ Zulu8-32 != \A\d\o\p\t\1\1 ]]
++ java -version
+ [[ /opt/openhabian/functions/java-jre.bash: line 24: java: command not found == *\A\d\o\p\t\O\p\e\n\J\D\K* ]]
+ [[ Zulu8-32 == \Z\u\l\u\1\1\-\6\4 ]]
+ [[ Zulu8-32 != \A\d\o\p\t\1\1 ]]
+ cond_redirect java_zulu_update_available Zulu11-32
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ java_zulu_update_available Zulu11-32 \033[39;49;00m'

$ java_zulu_update_available Zulu11-32 
+ java_zulu_update_available Zulu11-32
++ command -v java
+ [[ -x '' ]]
+ return 0
+ return 0
+ java_zulu_prerequisite Zulu11-32
++ timestamp
++ date +%F_%T_%Z
+ echo -n '2022-01-21_11:19:27_CET [openHABian] Installing Java Zulu prerequisites (libc, libstdc++, zlib1g)... '
2022-01-21_11:19:27_CET [openHABian] Installing Java Zulu prerequisites (libc, libstdc++, zlib1g)... + [[ Zulu11-32 == \Z\u\l\u\1\1\-\6\4 ]]
+ is_arm
+ is_armv6l
+ [[ '' == \a\r\m\v\6\l ]]
+ case "$(uname -m)" in
++ uname -m
+ return 1
+ is_armv7l
+ [[ '' == \a\r\m\v\7\l ]]
+ case "$(uname -m)" in
++ uname -m
+ return 0
+ return 0
+ dpkg -s libc6:armhf libstdc++6:armhf zlib1g:armhf
+ echo OK
+ return 0
+ [[ openHAB3 == \o\p\e\n\H\A\B\3 ]]
+ [[ -z '' ]]
+ java_zulu_stable Zulu11-32
+ local updateText
+ local consoleText
+ updateText='Updating Java may result in issues as it has not received extensive testing to verify compatibility.\n\nIf you wish to continue and encounter any errors please let us know so we can look into them to improve future compatibility.'
+ consoleText='[openHABian] WARNING: Untested Java Version, you may experience issues as this version of Java has not received extensive testing to verify compatibility.'
+ [[ -n 1 ]]
+ whiptail --defaultno --title 'Untested Version of Java' --no-button Back --yes-button Continue --yesno 'Updating Java may result in issues as it has not received extensive testing to verify compatibility.\n\nIf you wish to continue and encounter any errors please let us know so we can look into them to improve future compatibility.' 11 80
+ java_zulu_fetch Zulu11-32
+ local downloadLink
+ local jdkInstallLocation
+ local link
+ local temp
+ jdkInstallLocation=/opt/jdk
+ link='https://api.azul.com/zulu/download/community/v1.0/bundles/latest/binary/?os=linux&ext=tar.gz&javafx=false'
++ mktemp /tmp/openhabian.XXXXX
+ temp=/tmp/openhabian.noDLs
+ [[ Zulu11-32 == \Z\u\l\u\1\1\-\3\2 ]]
++ timestamp
++ date +%F_%T_%Z
+ echo -n '2022-01-21_11:19:30_CET [openHABian] Downloading Java Zulu 11 32-Bit OpenJDK... '
2022-01-21_11:19:30_CET [openHABian] Downloading Java Zulu 11 32-Bit OpenJDK... + is_arm
+ is_armv6l
+ [[ '' == \a\r\m\v\6\l ]]
+ case "$(uname -m)" in
++ uname -m
+ return 1
+ is_armv7l
+ [[ '' == \a\r\m\v\7\l ]]
+ case "$(uname -m)" in
++ uname -m
+ return 0
+ return 0
++ curl 'https://api.azul.com/zulu/download/community/v1.0/bundles/latest/binary/?os=linux&ext=tar.gz&javafx=false&jdk_version=11&arch=arm&hw_bitness=32&abi=hard_float' -s -L -I -o /dev/null -w '%{url_effective}'
+ downloadLink=https://cdn.azul.com/zulu-embedded/bin/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf.tar.gz
+ [[ -z https://cdn.azul.com/zulu-embedded/bin/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf.tar.gz ]]
+ mkdir -p /opt/jdk
+ cond_redirect wget -nv -O /tmp/openhabian.noDLs https://cdn.azul.com/zulu-embedded/bin/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf.tar.gz
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ wget -nv -O /tmp/openhabian.noDLs https://cdn.azul.com/zulu-embedded/bin/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf.tar.gz \033[39;49;00m'

$ wget -nv -O /tmp/openhabian.noDLs https://cdn.azul.com/zulu-embedded/bin/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf.tar.gz 
+ wget -nv -O /tmp/openhabian.noDLs https://cdn.azul.com/zulu-embedded/bin/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf.tar.gz
2022-01-21 11:19:56 URL:https://cdn.azul.com/zulu-embedded/bin/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf.tar.gz [178706130/178706130] -> "/tmp/openhabian.noDLs" [1]
+ return 0
+ cond_redirect tar -xpzf /tmp/openhabian.noDLs -C /opt/jdk
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ tar -xpzf /tmp/openhabian.noDLs -C /opt/jdk \033[39;49;00m'

$ tar -xpzf /tmp/openhabian.noDLs -C /opt/jdk 
+ tar -xpzf /tmp/openhabian.noDLs -C /opt/jdk
+ return 0
++ basename https://cdn.azul.com/zulu-embedded/bin/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf.tar.gz
++ sed -e s/.tar.gz//
+ cond_redirect find /opt/jdk -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf -prune -o -exec rm -rf '{}' ';'
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ find /opt/jdk -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf -prune -o -exec rm -rf {} ; \033[39;49;00m'

$ find /opt/jdk -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf -prune -o -exec rm -rf {} ; 
+ find /opt/jdk -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf -prune -o -exec rm -rf '{}' ';'
+ return 0
+ rm -f /tmp/openhabian.noDLs
+ echo OK
+ java_zulu_install Zulu11-32
+ local jdkBin
+ local jdkLib
++ find /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin ... -print -quit
+ jdkBin=/opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin
++ find /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/lib ... -print -quit
+ jdkLib=/opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/lib
+ [[ Zulu11-32 == \Z\u\l\u\1\1\-\3\2 ]]
++ timestamp
++ date +%F_%T_%Z
+ echo -n '2022-01-21_11:20:44_CET [openHABian] Installing Java Zulu 11 32-Bit OpenJDK... '
2022-01-21_11:20:44_CET [openHABian] Installing Java Zulu 11 32-Bit OpenJDK... + openhab_is_running
+ openhab_is_installed
+ openhab2_is_installed
++ dpkg -s openhab2
++ grep Status
++ cut '-d ' -f2
+ [[ deinstall == \i\n\s\t\a\l\l ]]
+ return 1
+ openhab3_is_installed
++ dpkg -s openhab
++ grep Status
++ cut '-d ' -f2
+ [[ install == \i\n\s\t\a\l\l ]]
+ return 0
+ return 0
++ systemctl is-active openhab
+ [[ activating == \a\c\t\i\v\e ]]
+ return 1
+ java_alternatives_reset
+ local jdkBin
++ find /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin ... -print -quit
+ jdkBin=/opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin
+ cond_redirect find /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin -maxdepth 1 -perm -111 -type f -exec bash -c 'update-alternatives --quiet --remove-all $(basename {})' ';'
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ find /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin -maxdepth 1 -perm -111 -type f -exec bash -c update-alternatives --quiet --remove-all $(basename {}) ; \033[39;49;00m'

$ find /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin -maxdepth 1 -perm -111 -type f -exec bash -c update-alternatives --quiet --remove-all $(basename {}) ; 
+ find /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin -maxdepth 1 -perm -111 -type f -exec bash -c 'update-alternatives --quiet --remove-all $(basename {})' ';'
+ return 0
+ cond_redirect find /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin -maxdepth 1 -perm -111 -type f -exec bash -c 'update-alternatives --install  /usr/bin/$(basename {}) $(basename {}) {} 1000000' ';'
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ find /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin -maxdepth 1 -perm -111 -type f -exec bash -c update-alternatives --install  /usr/bin/$(basename {}) $(basename {}) {} 1000000 ; \033[39;49;00m'

$ find /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin -maxdepth 1 -perm -111 -type f -exec bash -c update-alternatives --install  /usr/bin/$(basename {}) $(basename {}) {} 1000000 ; 
+ find /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin -maxdepth 1 -perm -111 -type f -exec bash -c 'update-alternatives --install  /usr/bin/$(basename {}) $(basename {}) {} 1000000' ';'
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/jmap to provide /usr/bin/jmap (jmap) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/jps to provide /usr/bin/jps (jps) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/java to provide /usr/bin/java (java) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/jmod to provide /usr/bin/jmod (jmod) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/jstatd to provide /usr/bin/jstatd (jstatd) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/rmid to provide /usr/bin/rmid (rmid) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/jcmd to provide /usr/bin/jcmd (jcmd) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/serialver to provide /usr/bin/serialver (serialver) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/javadoc to provide /usr/bin/javadoc (javadoc) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/jshell to provide /usr/bin/jshell (jshell) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/pack200 to provide /usr/bin/pack200 (pack200) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/jstat to provide /usr/bin/jstat (jstat) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/jarsigner to provide /usr/bin/jarsigner (jarsigner) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/jdb to provide /usr/bin/jdb (jdb) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/jhsdb to provide /usr/bin/jhsdb (jhsdb) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/unpack200 to provide /usr/bin/unpack200 (unpack200) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/jdeprscan to provide /usr/bin/jdeprscan (jdeprscan) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/jjs to provide /usr/bin/jjs (jjs) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/jar to provide /usr/bin/jar (jar) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/jstack to provide /usr/bin/jstack (jstack) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/keytool to provide /usr/bin/keytool (keytool) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/jimage to provide /usr/bin/jimage (jimage) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/jconsole to provide /usr/bin/jconsole (jconsole) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/jrunscript to provide /usr/bin/jrunscript (jrunscript) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/jdeps to provide /usr/bin/jdeps (jdeps) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/jinfo to provide /usr/bin/jinfo (jinfo) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/rmiregistry to provide /usr/bin/rmiregistry (rmiregistry) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/jlink to provide /usr/bin/jlink (jlink) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/jfr to provide /usr/bin/jfr (jfr) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/javap to provide /usr/bin/javap (javap) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/javac to provide /usr/bin/javac (javac) in auto mode
update-alternatives: using /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/rmic to provide /usr/bin/rmic (rmic) in auto mode
+ return 0
+ echo /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/lib
+ echo /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/lib/jli
+ echo /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/lib/client
+ ldconfig
+ echo OK
+ java_zulu_install_crypto_extension
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ local jdkSecurity
+ local policyTempLocation
++ realpath /usr/bin/java
++ sed 's|/java||'
+ jdkSecurity=/opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/../lib/security
++ mktemp -d /tmp/openhabian.XXXXX
+ policyTempLocation=/tmp/openhabian.wIpBf
++ timestamp
++ date +%F_%T_%Z
+ echo -n '2022-01-21_11:20:47_CET [openHABian] Installing Java Zulu CEK to enable unlimited cipher strength... '
2022-01-21_11:20:47_CET [openHABian] Installing Java Zulu CEK to enable unlimited cipher strength... + cond_redirect mkdir -p /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/../lib/security
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ mkdir -p /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/../lib/security \033[39;49;00m'

$ mkdir -p /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/../lib/security 
+ mkdir -p /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/../lib/security
+ return 0
+ cond_redirect wget -qO /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/crypto.zip https://cdn.azul.com/zcek/bin/ZuluJCEPolicies.zip
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ wget -qO /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/crypto.zip https://cdn.azul.com/zcek/bin/ZuluJCEPolicies.zip \033[39;49;00m'

$ wget -qO /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/crypto.zip https://cdn.azul.com/zcek/bin/ZuluJCEPolicies.zip 
+ wget -qO /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/crypto.zip https://cdn.azul.com/zcek/bin/ZuluJCEPolicies.zip
+ return 0
+ cond_redirect unzip /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/crypto.zip -d /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ unzip /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/crypto.zip -d /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf \033[39;49;00m'

$ unzip /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/crypto.zip -d /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf 
+ unzip /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/crypto.zip -d /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf
Archive:  /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/crypto.zip
   creating: /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/ZuluJCEPolicies/
  inflating: /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/ZuluJCEPolicies/LICENSE  
  inflating: /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/ZuluJCEPolicies/README.txt  
  inflating: /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/ZuluJCEPolicies/DISCLAIMER  
  inflating: /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/ZuluJCEPolicies/local_policy.jar  
  inflating: /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/ZuluJCEPolicies/US_export_policy.jar  
+ return 0
+ cond_redirect cp -u /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/ZuluJCEPolicies/local_policy.jar /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/ZuluJCEPolicies/US_export_policy.jar /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/../lib/security
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ cp -u /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/ZuluJCEPolicies/local_policy.jar /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/ZuluJCEPolicies/US_export_policy.jar /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/../lib/security \033[39;49;00m'

$ cp -u /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/ZuluJCEPolicies/local_policy.jar /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/ZuluJCEPolicies/US_export_policy.jar /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/../lib/security 
+ cp -u /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/ZuluJCEPolicies/local_policy.jar /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf/ZuluJCEPolicies/US_export_policy.jar /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/bin/../lib/security
+ return 0
+ echo OK
+ cond_redirect rm -rf /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ rm -rf /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf \033[39;49;00m'

$ rm -rf /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf 
+ rm -rf /tmp/openhabian.wIpBf
+ return 0
+ openhab_is_installed
+ openhab2_is_installed
++ dpkg -s openhab2
++ grep Status
++ cut '-d ' -f2
+ [[ deinstall == \i\n\s\t\a\l\l ]]
+ return 1
+ openhab3_is_installed
++ dpkg -s openhab
++ grep Status
++ cut '-d ' -f2
+ [[ install == \i\n\s\t\a\l\l ]]
+ return 0
+ return 0
+ cond_redirect systemctl restart openhab.service
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ echo -e '\n\033[90;01m$ systemctl restart openhab.service \033[39;49;00m'

$ systemctl restart openhab.service 

I don’t see why it is not installing… :frowning:

according to debug output java is installed.
Do you still get the error message about shared library ?

Thanks for the quick reply, and yes, stil get that error unfortunately…
Is it maybe because I’m still on Linux 9 and Java Zulu 11 isn’t supported?

Java should be in /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/ right ?
What is the output of ls -ld /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/lib/jli/libjli*

In case libjli.so is in that directory run command ldd on that so file.
ldd /path-to/libjli.so
( path-to needs to be replaced )
What is the output ?

In case the executable was created for Buster then it might not run on Stretch.
The error message so far looks like the so file would not be there but it also could be that this is because of problems with dependencies to other libs. Above commands hopefully will give more insight.

Yes, /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/ seems to be the right place.

**openhabian@openHABianPi**:**~ $** ls -ld /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/lib/jli/libjli*

-rw-rw-r-- 1 grafana 122 110692 Oct 9 09:53 /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/lib/jli/libjli.so

This is the output, so I run:
sudo ldd /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/lib/jli/libjli.so

not a dynamic executable

interesting here I get something different for an earlier version.

What do you get back in case you run the command “file” on the same libjli.so file ( instead of ldd ) ?

When I do that, I get:
/opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32sf/lib/jli/libjli.so: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, not stripped

Ok. It is a share library object as .so should be.
Strange that the ldd command does not show relations to other files like libc as it has to be.

Root cause is either that you are on stretch or that it is aarch32sf.
Please check here openhab doesn't start because Java · Issue #874 · openhab/openhabian · GitHub ( haven’t read the complete entry )

I think you need to download and install the hf version:

I checked which version wants to install when I use “sudo openhabian-config” and select to upgrade/update, that is the exact same version.
Will a manual install make any difference you think?

You mean the sf version ?

as long as the root cause is that sf instead of hf is being installed - yes.
In case the root cause is that your are still on stretch then - the test will show.


I’m not that familiar with this kind of installations, can you gives some instructions how I could install this HF version?

Little side note, I had a RPi 4 laying around so I installed a fresh install of OH3 openhabian on that one and restored my config and moved everything over there, so every thing is up and running again.

But the trouble instance is also still running, so I tried your suggestion, but no luck:

**[21:18:17]** **root@openHABianPi**:**/home/openhabian**# cd /tmp

**[21:18:22]** **root@openHABianPi**:**/tmp**# wget https://cdn.azul.com/zulu-embedded/bin/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32hf.tar.gz

--2022-01-21 21:18:47-- https://cdn.azul.com/zulu-embedded/bin/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32hf.tar.gz

Resolving cdn.azul.com (cdn.azul.com)...,

Connecting to cdn.azul.com (cdn.azul.com)||:443... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

Length: 178232271 (170M) [application/gzip]

Saving to: ‘zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32hf.tar.gz’

zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk 100%[===================>] 169.97M 7.57MB/s in 18s

2022-01-21 21:19:05 (9.22 MB/s) - ‘zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32hf.tar.gz’ saved [178232271/178232271]

**[21:19:05]** **root@openHABianPi**:**/tmp**# tar -xpzf /tmp/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32hf.tar.gz -C /opt/jdk

**[21:20:26]** **root@openHABianPi**:**/tmp**# cd /opt/jdk

**[21:20:40]** **root@openHABianPi**:**/opt/jdk**# java -version

java: error while loading shared libraries: libjli.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Want to try to fix it to learn from it :slight_smile:

cd into /opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32hf/bin
there try ./java --version.
As update-alternatives was not called java --version is being called from the other directory via using the search path. This version is not yet in the search path so it was not found.
CDing into the directory and using ./ in front of the executable to be executed will find it.

1 Like

Ah ok, that seem to do the trick:

**openhabian@openHABianPi**:**/opt/jdk/zulu11.52.13-ca-jdk11.0.13-linux_aarch32hf/bin $** ./java -version

openjdk version "11.0.13" 2021-10-19 LTS

OpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu11.52+13-CA (build 11.0.13+8-LTS)

OpenJDK Client VM Zulu11.52+13-CA (build 11.0.13+8-LTS, mixed mode)

Now Java is up and running again, I should expect everything was working again, but I can’t even open the webGUI :frowning:

1 Like
  • what is the output of sudo systemctl status openhab

  • any error shown in /var/log/openhab/openhab.log ?

  • what is returned by sudo netstat -tulpn | grep java ?

  • once it is working you can delete the directory that contains the …sf… java files to gain free space

openhabian@openHABianPi:~ $ sudo systemctl status openhab
● openhab.service - openHAB - empowering the smart home
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/openhab.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: deactivating (stop) (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2022-01-22 16:01:15 CET; 84ms ago
     Docs: https://www.openhab.org/docs/
  Process: 5066 ExecStart=/usr/share/openhab/runtime/bin/karaf ${OPENHAB_STARTMODE} (code=exited, status=127)
 Main PID: 5066 (code=exited, status=127); Control PID: 5137 (karaf)
    Tasks: 4 (limit: 4915)
   CGroup: /system.slice/openhab.service
             ├─5137 /bin/sh /usr/share/openhab/runtime/bin/karaf stop
             ├─5159 /bin/sh /usr/share/openhab/runtime/bin/karaf stop
             ├─5160 /bin/sh /usr/share/openhab/runtime/bin/karaf stop
             ├─5161 /bin/sh /usr/share/openhab/runtime/bin/karaf stop
             └─5166 ls -ld /etc/alternatives/java

Jan 22 16:01:14 openHABianPi systemd[1]: Started openHAB - empowering the smart home.
Jan 22 16:01:14 openHABianPi karaf[5066]: /usr/share/openhab/runtime/bin/karaf: 247: [: Illegal number:
Jan 22 16:01:14 openHABianPi karaf[5066]: /usr/share/openhab/runtime/bin/karaf: 247: [: Illegal number:
Jan 22 16:01:14 openHABianPi karaf[5066]: /usr/share/openhab/runtime/bin/karaf: 97: [: Illegal number:
Jan 22 16:01:14 openHABianPi karaf[5066]: /usr/share/openhab/runtime/bin/karaf: 300: [: Illegal number:
Jan 22 16:01:15 openHABianPi systemd[1]: openhab.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=127/n/a

2022-01-21 13:52:23.051 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing 'openhab-persistence-mapdb, openhab-voice-voicerss, openhab-binding-tado, openhab-transformation-javascript, openhab-binding-network, openhab-persistence-influxdb, openhab-binding-sonos, openhab-transformation-regex, openhab-ui-habpanel, openhab-binding-dsmr, openhab-transformation-jsonpath, openhab-binding-zigbee, openhab-binding-zoneminder, openhab-automation-jythonscripting, openhab-binding-mqtt, openhab-ui-basic, openhab-binding-lgwebos, openhab-misc-homekit, openhab-binding-openweathermap, openhab-binding-astro, openhab-binding-telegram, openhab-binding-unifi, openhab-binding-gpstracker, openhab-binding-systeminfo': null
I restarted and checked the logging, it only loaded the rules and ended with the above error.

Nothing returned…

For now, it is not necessary yet :wink:
Root = Free: 20.05GB (71%), Used: 7.92GB (29%), Total: 29.19GB

Because of problems during start procedure of karaf java stops to work and thus netstat does not return any line of content. As java does not run any longer there is no port opened that can be used to connect from a browser …


sudo journalctl -u openhab -b

provide more information ?