Thanks, but i need to protect some setpoint functions in one sitemap from unauthorised manipulation
from all web and mobile apps. I don’t want to use many sitemaps.
HabPanel widged is nice for touch display.
It must not be a string value, numerical 4 digit value is OK, but how put it in sitemap as number not with incremental arrows ?
As already said, there is no such a function in BasicUI od ClassicUI and I am afraid there never will be, as nobody steped up to implement this, cause of other existing alternatives.
You can do it using a Webview element in sitemap and create a html file in your html folder with a java script sending the value on specific triggers, just like in this example:
If you are using openHAB 2.x the above script will not work (openHAB 2.x is using the REST API). Use the one on post number 6 in the same link I’ve posted previously! It should work.
Thanks George working OK inOH2.
Is it possible to extend the code for only four digit input (PIN number) and delete the input filed after pressing Enter ?
Can be AJAX values supressed, that the last values are not remembered ?