[SOLVED] Weatherflow Smart Weather Station binding


All of the measurements are sent out of the binding using the SI units conventionally used for weather measurements. Is it possible that the user interface you are using is converting that to km/h incorrectly? I’m guessing the m/s measurements are being automatically switched to km/h, which I would imagine is a “standard” default for speed.

I’ve tried to provide data from this binding that’s as close to what the various sensors report as possible, and so I’d prefer not to convert the direction value to cardinal directions. However, I wrote a binding called Weather Calculations that takes raw sensor data and generates a number of useful derived values. Adding cardinal direction support is something I’ve been meaning to add, but no one has asked for it… until now.

I might take a little time this weekend to add that. You might also be able to create an item that transforms the numeric angle to a cardinal direction if you don’t want to mess with that binding. If you follow that thread, I’ll post an update there when I add the new feature.