[SOLVED] Weatherflow Smart Weather Station binding

I managed to find a few spare hours to look into this and a happy to announce that I’ve made some progress. I have a first attempt at a binding for the Smart Weather Hub and Air sensors. I don’t have a Sky in-hand yet, but once I do, I’ll add support for it as well.

What works:

  • Uses the Smart Weather UDP Broadcast protocol, so no “cloud” functionality required
  • Detection of the Hub and Air sensors
  • Detection of when a Hub or Air sensor stop sending updates (causes them to go offline)
  • Reporting of Hub status data
  • Reporting of Air sensor data

What isn’t in place yet:

  • Anything involving Sky sensors (as they’re not widely available at this time)
  • Reporting of Air status data
  • Reporting of Lightning Strike events (I haven’t figured out how best to handle this… perhaps a generic “events” channel? Feedback is welcome!)

I’ve been running the binding for a day or two and things seem to be working as expected… data is appearing in PaperUI and I’m also exporting it to InfluxDB for visualization in Grafana. It might be nice to have some rules in place, especially to alert on low battery voltage, but also to trigger events based on the Smart Weather events. I’d especially welcome suggestions on this front. What do weather mavens like to do with the data once it’s arrived?

I’ve put the source for the binding as well as a binary build (in the Downloads section) here:

Feel free to take a look, try it out (just drop the jar in your addons directory and restart). I should note that the binding prints out a fair amount of debug information, so don’t be surprised to see a lot of stuff in your openhab log file… this will get dialed back in the next build. As always, comments and suggestions are welcome!
