[SOLVED] Website not working

Perhaps mark my answer then as the solution, so anyone else searching for the same thing can find it quickly and easily. You will see what that does is make that post appear prominently at the top of the thread, right under your OP and marked as the solution.

Well, you have the right attitude.

I only started using GNU/Linux about 3 years ago myself. By now I don’t even own a single machine that so much as dual boots Windows any more. And I’ve never been happier. Funny how everything “just works” when you make your operating system free and open from the outset and based on free and open standard protocols when communicating with other devices (instead of proprietary lock-in nonsense). It has been very refreshing! Also not having to read/agree to creepy, anxiety inducing 20 page EULAs (does anyone actually read those?).

Anyway, I digress…

If you need any help with GNU/Linux specifically, feel free to let me know. Make a forum post though so everyone can benefit. I recall that there were a few things in the beginning that took me a while to get my head around conceptually, but once you do, everything will start to fall into place.

Learn what man pages are, and read them. Most commands also have a --help option.

There is also ##linux on Freenode which is IRC. That is where the real wizards hang out. You can go in there any time of the day or night and find around 1,600 people hanging out, at least a couple of which will usually be willing to help you if you are stuck on something. It’s wonderful.

The sense of community in F/LOSS (of which openHAB is also a part) is simply amazing. Such a wonderful warm and fuzzy feeling. :slight_smile: Such a stark contrast to proprietary alternatives!

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Hi TRS-80,

I have a long way to go. I started with Macs when was young (I’m old) and went over to Windows. I started using Linux as I had some spare laptops en rasberry machines that I wanted to make use of. It’s been entertaining and and a of Google searches.

Thanks again for your help!


I have started a test system to try and verify the issue with the addons package.

EDIT: Verified behavior. The dashboard starts, LSP starts, and then the dashboard is stopped. I will try to isolate & troubleshoot further but I am not sure what time I have today to work on this.

EDIT2: As a workaround, using sudo apt remove to uninstall the bindings AND openhab and then using sudo apt-get install to reinstall openHAB gets the system functional.
Further troubleshooting is needed to determine at what version the process broke.

EDIT3: Milestone 3 fresh install is broken

EDIT4: Milestone 1 fresh install web works with errors Now trying M2 upgrade.

EDIT5: Upgradiing to M2 & M3 appear to work, More fresh installs needed.

EDIT6: Milestone 2 and later fresh installs appear to be broken.

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I had the same issue as the post entails;

Installed via stable repo (using Raspbian Buster)

sudo apt-get install openhab2 && sudo apt-get install openhab2-addons

Started the service; I was given the Error 404 page as described above.

Running sudo purge openhab2 openhab2-addons && sudo apt install openhab2 removed and reinstalled everything; it appears the openhab2-addons is causing issues; log file showing the dashboard running @ localhost:8080.
Dashboard log @ /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log:
2020-01-05 08:26:20.665 [INFO ] [.dashboard.internal.DashboardService] - Started Dashboard at

I noticed that with addons, the dashboard service is NOT logged; only the language server on port 5007 is logged <— No idea what this is (._.’ )

Language server log:
INFO ] [thome.model.lsp.internal.ModelServer] - Started Language Server Protocol (LSP) service on port 5007

In my experience the earlier workaround, for some reason, only started the initial dashboard for about a minute. If you are quick enough selecting an initial package, things work properly.

My workaround is based on developer troubleshooting. This will be resolved in 2.5.1 hopefully released later this month. The newer version also will allow for future addon updates separate from OH core. there are no more updates planned for OH2 core.