Yes, and I still do because last I checked, the exec2 binding doesn’t have the same functionality. I can’t remember off the top of my head exactly what, but it was a showstopper for me. You can use all of the 1.x bindings with OH2. You just need to install the 1.x Compatibility binding (you’ll find it in PaperUI).
It sounds to me like starting from scratch would be a good option for you. It won’t hurt to try, as long as you keep a backup. You can still use your .items files, and the bindings will stay the same as long as they are 1.x. The only odd thing I recall was motion sensors changed from Contact to Switch, but that was for the Zwave 2.x binding.
Keep your old setup in place and start OH2 fresh. Copy in what you need, one piece at a time. If it’s taking too long in one sitting to get OH2 going, shutdown the new and fire up the old. OH2.2 is pretty good, and has single item triggeringItem, but group triggeringItem is a feature that’s worth going to the snapshot for, if you have a bunch of rules that you can use it in.
I had a very similar setup! Using a hacked Wink hub is great, but grab a Zigbee dongle, or a Zwave/Zigbee combo dongle, and use the Zigbee binding. I have a bunch of GE Link bulbs and an Centralite/ST outlet that are doing great with it. I turned off my ha-bridge recently and moved over to the Hue Emulation service (still all local). The integration with OH made it simpler to setup and it has been just as solid. But if you want to stay in the cloud, there is an Alexa skill too. And get rid of ST for good!