[SOLVED] Z-Wave Network Heal.. when is it needed? does it always need to happen?

Thanks - I have to fix a bug in this area so will have a think about it when I’m looking at that. The big issue at the moment is that until the IDE is up and running again, development is somewhat difficult :frowning:

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One thing I was wondering about…

Is there any difference between how heal is handled with battery devices versus mains devices. Since battery devices don’t route (because they’re mostly asleep), I’m curious about the benefit of regular healing for battery devices versus mains devices.

No - other than they need to wake up obviously.

That’s not correct - battery devices are normally routing slaves. If they didn’t route, they would only be able to communicate with devices in direct range of the device.

From what I know of Z-Wave I’m guessing he probably meant that battery devices don’t route frames originating from other devices. But indeed, in order for frames originating from a battery-powered device to reach the destination, the battery powered device itself has to specify which path its frames will take, i.e. routing, right?

Yes, this is what I meant. I should’ve been more specific.

Ok, but the point about routing is not what devices route frames for other devices (ie what devices participate in the mesh), it’s what devices participate in routing. This is what matters.

The bottom line is that battery devices participate in routing in the same way as mains devices, so the heal is also the same.

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Issue created for the original feature request here.

Thanks for your excellent and diligent work, Chris!
I hope they get that IDE sorted soon. :slight_smile:

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Me too.


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