[SOLVED] Z-wave USB-Stick, will not see RollerShutter (Fibaro)

I just try to add my first “physical” thing into openHAB.
At first first the z-wave -stick on openhabian side I change the location to “EU” with the script: #changezwf.sh

On openHAB side the z-Wave USB stick seems correct installed, it’s “Online” and has device /dev/ttyACM0

I connect my FIBARO RollerShutter2 FGR222 with “L” and “N” to the power 230V, nothing else.
And put the RollerShutter into the near from the z-wave USB stick (which is in a Rasüberry 3+), ~90cm distance.

I use PaperUI => Inbox => “+” => Z-wave-bindung" => search
but nothing will found !? Also after 60s no device

Reconnect power on/off/on from the RollerShutter etc has not helped.
Or have I to press anything else (but I don’t see a button on the RollerShutter.

Thx for help and hint !

Why did you have to do this? Is the stick not an EU stick? If not, it is not likely to work well since you can’t just change the location as there are filters in the front end of the stick that set the band. If it’s a USA stick, it won’t work in the EU (or if it does, the range will be very very short I expect).

Bought at Amazan Germany, so it is an EU Stick.
But I found an instruction (also send with the stick (a manual)) to do this.

However, the command on the shell was accepted.
Can this result in any trouble now??

I don’t know - I’ve never done this myself or heard anyone do it. Hopefully not if it was written in the manual :wink: .

Most new devices should automatically go into inclusion mode, but I’m not sure if this device will or not. What does the manual say? Normally it will say to press a button 3 times, or something like that.

There is no button on the device, only press the switches C1+C2 to calibarte the shutter later.

But I set location to US, back to EU and reboot whole Raspberry.
Now the shutter is shown automatically and with status “Online” !