I have a problem with the homeconnect setup. We have 3 devices that are connected to homeconnect: a siemens dishwasher, a siemens washing machine, and a siemens dryer. While the dishwasher is correctly shown as online (the dishwasher keeps being connected even if it is turned off which is kind of nice) and I can also see running states and programs. So the bridge is obviously working.
The washing machine and dryer however stay always offline (even though it is running right now and also visible with all details in the homeconnect app on my phone).
I already tried reauthenticating (as I acquired both washing machine and dryer only recently - after the initial setup of the binding) and clearing the openhab cache. Both did not change anything.
I also checked the homeconnect/log/requests and could see, that apparently (even though it shows up on my phone) homeconnect itself returns the device as being offline:
Hi there! Can’t help but i don’t believe that the dev that was working this binding is still working on it, i saw another thread where a python application was used to convert to mqtt and that seemed to be working better, maybe try that instead?
Found the link:
Oh! i might have misunderstood the point in my previous link!! Sorry and thank you for your hard work (btw maybe check the code in they link, as apparently many new options are available through the python application?)
I may have myself misunderstood you as I believed you said that the binding author was no more maintaining this binding but when reading again, I see that you said the reverse !
Please make sure the app shows the device state. If not, the device is not communicating with the cloud. I remember my device used to turn off WiFi whenever it got disconnected from mains.
If it shows up correctly in the app, it should als be online (while running) in openHAB. If not it might be due to autorization. But let’s double check these things first
Thank you all so much for your answers. @lsiepel , yes, the app did not only show the device but also the program the machine is running and remaining times, etc. So the mobile app definitely could connect to everything, while the binding is not getting the same previlidges.
What else could I do to check for authorization?
Thanks again,
(Adjust the op to match your setup)
This page should give you all information needed about authorisation, connection and received data. Anything noticeable there?
again thanks for all your answers. @seime Unfortunately a powercycle did not change anything.
And again, the app sees the device absolutely correctly. I can see the current status and remaining times and use remote start features.However the openhab binding is not getting this information. @lsiepel I’ve been to this page before which is where I got my initial message from. I can see all three devices there with one being alive and active and the other two always appearing as offline.
The bridge is sending requests every 30 minutes to both washing machine and dryer any always receives an offline message. The dishwasher is not receiving such a request.
In the Events section, there is a KEEP_ALIVE event for every device every minute.
So to me all looks good, except for the fact, that washing machine and dryer do not show up as online.
The one thing I haven’t tryed is to clear the stored credentials and redo that again. Unfortunately I wont be back to these devices for another 2 weeks. I’ll then give it a try and let you know if that changes anything.
Thanks again,
It was powered all the time, but yesterday did not become online.
Today, after using it with the app it is occationally working but not yet stable, don’t know why.
Anyhow, I will observe it and but not use this thread for my further questions.
Thanks so far!
Are you referring to a specific device, or in general. Because my dishwasher 100% certain is never offline. Except for right now because my bridge is down. The amount of recent posts about issues right home connect are very telling.
Edit: oh just got a notification. Guess BSH is having networking problems.