Some questions about oh-chart, oh-calendar-axis and oh-calendar-series in general

Hello, i’m experimenting with a calendar widget at the moment and i have a few questions:
To explain it more easy i made this screenshot and i’m refering to the colors

  1. red: It seems all changes to dayLabel are not being intrepreted while monthLabel and yearLabel are actually doing fine.
          show: false

Am i doing something wrong, is it a bug that appeared in some of oh’s newer versions or is it simply not implemented yet?

code for a quick test:

  chartType: year
  label: Test Kalender
    - component: oh-calendar-axis
          show: false
          backgroundColor: transparent
          padding: 5
          color: rgba(255,0,0,0.5)
          fontFamily: sans-serif
          fontSize: 30
          fontStyle: normal
          fontWeight: bold
          lineHeight: 13
          nameMap: EN
          show: true
          backgroundColor: transparent
          padding: 5
          color: rgba(255,255,255,0.5)
          fontFamily: sans-serif
          fontSize: 30
          lineheight: 30
          fontStyle: normal
          fontWeight: bold
          textShadowBlur: 4
          textShadowColor: rgba(0,0,0,0.5)
          textShadowOffsetX: 0
          textShadowOffsetY: 0
          show: false
        orient: horizontal
    - component: oh-calendar-series
      config: {}
  1. green: formatting the monthLabel works nicely and all changes are interpreted. I’d like to change the nameMap from EN to DE. the echarts docs say that it’s using the locale of the system, however when i change to “DE” for example values are not being displayed anymore. “CN” works fine. Is it possible to somehow include DE?


          nameMap: CN

          nameMap: DE

renders like this:

  1. Formatter of the Labels.
          - component: oh-chart-tooltip
              formatter: "{a}:<br>{b}{c} kWh"

In the following scenario the br between {b} and {c} actually shows even before {a}. The + makes it visible.

              formatter: "{a}:<br>{b}<br>+{c} kWh"

Does someone have a proper example on how to do this right? Also an example of valueFormatter would really help.

  1. Action and actionModals
          - component: oh-calendar-series
              action: sheet
              actionModal: page:Example_Page

A click on a day cell will actually open the page in the present timeframe. Is it possible to do the same but show the timeframe of the clicked cell? An example that explains this would be really nice.

Thx for your time and have a great day/evening!

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