Somethings strange with chart / persistance and influxDB,


I’ve got the following graph representing yearly power consumption using Linky binding.

This graph is on my developpement computer, using in memory persistance, and result is ok.

When I go on my production environement, with influxdb persistance, I’ve get a strange result:
The is a duplicate entry on the graph, in 2025, that correspond to the 2024 data.

The data inside influxDB seems ok:

I’ve try to play with “include boundary” switch on the chart, but in the case, it is no help.
Did I miss something ?


Hello all,

Forget about it, it was a mistake on my side.
After verification, everything is working ok.


I’m just curious how you have made the yearly plots, so do you need the Linky binding for that.


I’ve made them using the new Linky binding that expose timeseries data for Daily, Weekly, Monthly & Yearly data.
This new binding is not public right now, but I hope it will be in the new few weeks.


OK, many thanks for the info.