Somfy Binding: Developer mode broken with FW 1.29

When I woke up this morning, I wondered why all my Somfy roller shutters were still closed - they are supposed to open when the sun rises. Digging in…

Yesterday, Somfy released and force-installed a new firmware 1.29 on their Tahoma Switch boxes. This FW breaks developer mode.

2025-01-29 11:08:47.575 [DEBUG] [very.SomfyTahomaItemDiscoveryService] - Starting scanning for things...
2025-01-29 11:08:47.575 [DEBUG] [nal.handler.SomfyTahomaBridgeHandler] - Sending GET to url: with data: 
2025-01-29 11:08:47.637 [TRACE] [nal.handler.SomfyTahomaBridgeHandler] - Response: {"errorCode":"UNSPECIFIED_ERROR","error":"Unknown object."}
2025-01-29 11:08:47.638 [DEBUG] [nal.handler.SomfyTahomaBridgeHandler] - Received unexpected status code: 400
2025-01-29 11:08:47.639 [DEBUG] [nal.handler.SomfyTahomaBridgeHandler] - Local gateway communication error
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: Unknown object.

This affects not only OpenHab, but all home automation systems with a Somfy integration.

An issue on Github is already opened: Can't get local API to work · Issue #161 · Somfy-Developer/Somfy-TaHoma-Developer-Mode · GitHub

To make the binding work again, you currently MUST disable developer mode :frowning:

Thank you I have the same issue, what does developer mode do exactly? And what are the drawbacks of disabling it?

If you don’t know what it does, disable it. :slight_smile:

Basically, if you enable developer mode, your controlling apps/systems talk directly to the Tahoma box instead of the (internet based) API Service of Somfy.

New firmware is out and seems to fix the local api