Sonoff Tasmota with MQTT Binding 2.4 (using config files)

No problem. Hope it helps.

In the example, all of the Things are defined inside curly braces “{ }” that are directly after the square brackets “” that define Bridge parameters. My understanding is that those curly braces are telling OpenHAB that any Things defined within them are associated with that Bridge. That is why I have not added the broker name to the channels.

The example reflects settings that are working in my OpenHAB installation. Are your Things inside the curly braces that define your Bridge?

They are required if you have rules that will send MQTT actions. You do not need those lines in the startup code, unless the action of starting OpenHAB is supposed to send an MQTT action.

That’s part of why this thread exists! :wink:

The MQTT Binding was significantly updated from version 1.13.0 to version 2.4. The new version does not require those files. It does require that you do some re-configuring though.


Read the first post in this thread? Also, if you don’t want to use the .items and .things approach, you can always use the GUI.