Sonos ... Audio Sink ... Say?

@marcelloceschia Yes, a testing with 16 kHz would be great. I downloaded your JAR from your personal message. And now both German voices are running! English is in slowmotion, but I don’t need it.

Thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

@Celaeno1 can we do some tests, to check why the automaticaly desiction does not work? I’d like to add a debug log to see if this.audioFormat is != null

@marcelloceschia Yes, we can do some tests. But not today, sorry. Tomorrow would be good!

@marcelloceschia Like Kai recommended I created a new issue on github:
see here openhab2-addons issues 2340

@Celaeno1 can you check if this.audioFormat == null for all requests?

@marcelloceschia How exactly do I debug this ?

I have the same problem.
playSound command works only for a few seconds after another music was stopped.
I get no error and I get no sound.

Any suggestion?