Sonos favorites in sitemap

I’m using openhab 3.4
and having problems with sonos favorites.
my thing is configured like this:

Thing sonos:One:RINCON_XXXXXXX "Sonos Kitchen" [ udn="RINCON_XXXXXXX", refresh=60, notificationVolume=40]

and my favorite item is:

String sonosOneFavorite "fav" <text> (gSonos) {channel="sonos:One:RINCON_XXXXXXX:favorite"}

In sitemap the sonos is:
Selection item=sonosOneFavorite
But I still can’t see my list of favorites.
any ideas why?

The favorite is a string channel which is takes a string to set a favorite, hence it will not fill your sitemap selection.

Is there an option to create a list there?
I remember that the old version was showing the favorites list.

What UI are you using?
It is apparently still working with BasicUI and the Android app

I’m using basicUI, but it isn’t showing anything…

Ups, I wasn’t aware of that function. :persevere:
Working for me as well!