With non-mapped command I meant to send the code AAAAAQ...
instead of the mapped command Home
I’m trying to explore if the issue is related to the mapping or to the ircc command
For setting-up a separate info/debug log file for the Sony binding please follow the instructions provided in my initial post in Sony Binding - Add-on Marketplace / Bundles - openHAB Community. Once available, I can have a look into the logs to get some hints of the issue’s root cause.
It might also help to set-up a simple UI cell from which you could send IRCC commans to the TV. E.g. this is my cell definition for sending the Options command;
component: oh-label-cell
action: command
actionCommand: Options
actionItem: BRAVIAKDL50W656A_IRCCCommand
expandable: false
item: BRAVIAKDL50W656A_IRCCCommand
stateAsHeader: true
title: IRCC Command