Squeezebox configuration

Hai @lipp_markus,

Would it be possible to mail/post your complete squeezebox cfg,item,sitemap files.

I can’t get it to work, in paperui i have my players/server in my things but somehow it does not work.


I can do that, but I am traveling the next 10 days and have no access
remotely to these files. In case I forget to do it by then :-), fee free to
ping me again if you still need it.

No problem, safe travels!

@Peter_van_hanegem here you go:

watch out: the paper UI is not a user interface, it is only designed to help in configuration; I have everything configured through text files

things file (the bridge identifier is available in the PaperUI)

Bridge squeezebox:squeezeboxserver:3D34F084-8A16-4E61-B593-B5D5B673E4BF [ ipAddress="IP address", webport=9000, cliport=9090 ]
    Thing squeezeboxplayer mac_address [ mac="XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" ] //Livingroom
    Thing squeezeboxplayer mac_address [ mac="XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" ] //Guestroom
    Thing squeezeboxplayer mac_address [ mac="XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" ] //Studio 
    Thing squeezeboxplayer mac_address [ mac="XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" ] //Bedroom
    Thing squeezeboxplayer mac_address [ mac="XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" ] //Livingroom2
    Thing squeezeboxplayer mac_address [ mac="XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" ] //Office

Items file

Player Livingroom (Players) {channel="squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:3D34F084-8A16-4E61-B593-B5D5B673E4BF:mac_address:control" }
Player Livingroom2 (Players) {channel="squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:3D34F084-8A16-4E61-B593-B5D5B673E4BF:mac_address:control" }
Player Bedroom (Players) {channel="squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:3D34F084-8A16-4E61-B593-B5D5B673E4BF:mac_address:control" }
Player Office (Players) {channel="squeezebox:squeezeeezeboxplayer:3D34F084-8A16-4E61-B593-B5D5B673E4BF:mac_address:control" }
Player Studio (Players) { channel="squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:3D34F084-8A16-4E61-B593-B5D5B673E4BF:mac_address:control" }
Player Guestroom (Players) {channel="squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:3D34F084-8A16-4E61-B593-B5D5B673E4BF:mac_address:control" }

and here an example for more items

Switch squeezeBedroomPower           "Bedroom"  (SqueezePlayerPower) {channel="squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:3D34F084-8A16-4E61-B593-B5D5B673E4BF:mac_address:power" }
Switch squeezeBedroomPlay            "Bedroom" (SqueezePlay) {channel="squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:791E1DEA-BBC3-4A9F-80D1-F5CE550F9B:mac_address:playPause" }
Dimmer squeezeBedroomVolume          "Bedroom [%.1f %%]" <soundvolume> (SqueezePlayerVolume) {channel="squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:3D34F084-8A16-4E61-B593-B5D5B673E4BF:mac_address:volume" }
String squeezeBedroomTitle		 {channel="squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:3D34F084-8A16-4E61-B593-B5D5B673E4BF:mac_address:title" }
String squeezeBedroomRemoteTitle	  {channel="squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:3D34F084-8A16-4E61-B593-B5D5B673E4BF:mac_address:remotetitle" , expire="10m, state=unavailable"}
String squeezeBedroomArtist			  {channel="squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:3D34F084-8A16-4E61-B593-B5D5B673E4BF:mac_address:artist", expire="10m, state=unavailable" }
String squeezeBedroomCoverArt  {channel="squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:3D34F084-8A16-4E61-B593-B5D5B673E4BF:mac_address:coverartdata" }	
String squeezeBedroomYear  {channel="squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:3D34F084-8A16-4E61-B593-B5D5B673E4BF:mac_address:year", expire="10m, state=unavilable" }
String squeezeBedroomAlbum  {channel="squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:3D34F084-8A16-4E61-B593-B5D5B673E4BF:mac_address:album", expire="10m, state=unavailable" }
Dimmer NotificationVolumeBedroom "Notification Volume Living room [%d %%]" {channel="squeezebox:squeezeboxplayer:3D34F084-8A16-4E61-B593-B5D5B673E4BF:mac_address:notificationSoundVolume"}

sitemap is fairly rudimentary as I it is mostly for testing purposes

Frame label="Audio" {
	Group item=Players label="SqueezePlug Controls" icon="player"
	Group item=SqueezePlayerVolume label="SqueezePlug Volume" icon="soundvolume"
	Group item=SqueezePlayerPower //label="On/Off SqueezePlugs" 
    Slider item=NotificationVolume label="Notification Volume"
    Slider item=NotificationVolumeBedroom label="Notification Volume"
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Earlier in this thread the following was asked:

My squeeze player Things are defined consistent with squeezebox:squeezeboxserver:myServer:myplayer , so where does 5919BEA2-764B-4590-BC70-D74DCC15491B:20cfbf221510 come from?

For the life of me, I can’t find a reply to this!

Could a guru explain just where this string is found? All I can find in Paper gui is the mac address.

It’s generated when the squeeze server is found by the uPnP discovery process.


What I meant was where do I find the string in the paper gui ?

Got to PaperUI, if you have not done so go to your inbox and accept the newly found thing SqueezeBox Server; when you have the binding installed it discovers the server automatically.

You can then access the ID under “Configuration > Things”

If memory serves me well, the ID is already displayed in the inbox too, so you may not have to accept it as a thing in PaperUI at all, in case you want to stick with config-by-file
Hope that helps


I think something is totally screwed with my OH installation.

Under Inbox I never find any things … despite installing network, squeezebox and sonos bindings.

No idea where to go now!

you can try: Clear the Cache

if that doesn’t work, you may want to open a new thread and post more details: How to ask a good question / Help Us Help You as in this case, your issue is not related to the topic here and you will get more attention if you provide the info under a more descriptive topic heading.

Thanks again.

Endless frustration, I’m afraid.

I’m about ready to give up on OH - 2 weeks of ploughing through ‘guides’, threads, etc. So much is taken for granted.

I’ll try another reinstall.

I hear you and so do likely all people on this forum who have their own share of “war stories” to tell…home automation can be hard…it is simply awesome when it just works…but to get there, it can be frustrating…
Keep at it, OH2 can have a steep learning curve, and be incredibly frustrating while one is working through this, but keep in mind, it is one of the most stable and flexible open source systems out there… and I am not just saying this without admitting that I am looking on and off at some of the alternatives…but as they have their own issues, I am coming back to OH2 over and over again.

If you keep run into trouble, consider posting a new topic with a detailed description (see above), there are so many awesomely informed and committed people on this forum, I am sure if you put in the work, they will too and you will resolve your issues

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Thanks for the encouragement!

I’m Using OPENHAB 3 with the squeezbox binding.
Is it posible to play a song or album through the squeezbox binding or can it be added to the default functionality?

I can play favorites perfectly, but it is not posible to create a favorite for every song or album.

There’s a channel called stream where you can send an http:// or file:// link to the binding. I’ve never used it, so I don’t know if it would work for your situation.

By sending a URL to the stream channel, the binding sends a “playlist play” command to the LMS, which is defined in the LMS documentation like this. So in theory, it should work.

<playerid> playlist play <item> <title> <fadeInSecs>

The "playlist play" command puts the specified song URL, playlist or directory contents into the current playlist and plays starting at the first item. Any songs previously in the playlist are discarded. An optional title value may be passed to set a title. This can be useful for remote URLs. The "fadeInSecs" parameter may be passed to specify fade-in period.


Request: "04:20:00:12:23:45 playlist play /music/abba/01_Voulez_Vous.mp3<LF>"
Response: "04:20:00:12:23:45 playlist play /music/abba/01_Voulez_Vous.mp3<LF>"

Request: "04:20:00:12:23:45 playlist play http://someserver/02_Sledgehammer.flac Peter%20Gabriel%20-%20Sledgehammer<LF>"
Response: "04:20:00:12:23:45 playlist play http://someserver/02_Sledgehammer.flac Peter%20Gabriel%20-%20Sledgehammer<LF>"

When I add the (hidden) stream channel to a player, the option replies NULL and I cannot add any url or dir in to it.
What am i doing wrong??

When you send a command to the stream channel of the player thing, all the binding does is pass it on to the LMS (as shown here). It’s very simple.

So, what could be wrong? I’m not sure. Perhaps the binding needs to URL encode the URL before sending it to the LMS. You could try this by URL-encoding your URL, then sending the URL-encoded string to the stream channel. Also, try putting the binding in DEBUG mode, so you can see what’s going on.

I’d try it myself, but I’m away from my system for a few days.

Is there an example of how to play a specific favorite from a rule?

I am able to select a favorite and have it play from a sitemap, however if I just send the string of the favorite I want it to play from a rule it just seems to play the first favorite. To make sure that I don’t have a typo I even have the rule iterating over the state options and just sending the label from the one that matches. I also tried just sending an integer that matches the favorite number.

I searched and couldn’t find an example of triggering a specific favorite from a rule - is this supported?

Edit: Answering my own question. You need to send it the ‘value’ of the option which is the number of the playlist item.

I can send an existing playlist by a rule.

  1. Configured an Item called stream_URL and connected it with the “Stream URL” channel of the squeezbox binding
  2. Created a rule send_URL whitch send a command to the created Item stream_URL
    sendCommand(StreamURL, “file:/mnt/playlist/Playlist_Queen.m3u”)
    where “file:/mnt/playlist/Playlist_Queen.m3u” is the location where the playlist file exists.

This works, now all i need is to define an input item to fill the static playlist!
Need to create an array of some kind with all the items from the playlist directory!
and make a selection of that list to fill in the “file:/” part of the sendCommand.
Do not know how, right now!

Was just going to say this. Glad you sorted it out.