Starting script openhab 2 beta1


does anybody here know howto start the new beta1 release of openhab automatically on my Raspberry Pi?

The install command is not working for me …

You mean this is not working?

If so, please file a bug at

The Openhab:install-service command is not listed

help Displays this help or help about a command
instance Enter the subshell
instance:clone Clones an existing container instance.
instance:connect Connects to an existing container instance.
instance:create Creates a new container instance.
instance:destroy Destroys an existing container instance.
instance:list Lists all existing container instances.
instance:opts-change Changes the Java options of an existing
container instance.
instance:rename Rename an existing container instance.
instance:restart Restart an existing container instance.
instance:rmi-registry-port-change Changes the RMI registry port (used by
management layer) of an existing container
instance:rmi-server-port-change Changes the RMI server port (used by
management layer) of an existing instance.
instance:ssh-host-change Changes the secure shell host of an existing
container instance.
instance:ssh-port-change Changes the secure shell port of an existing
container instance.
instance:start Start an existing container instance.
instance:status Check the current status of an instance.

not sure how you started it, but I have many more entries than just “instance:”:

openhab> help
bundle                            Enter the subshell
bundle:capabilities               Displays OSGi capabilities of a given bundles.
bundle:classes                    Displays a list of classes/resources contained in the bundle
bundle:diag                       Displays diagnostic information why a bundle is not Active
bundle:dynamic-import             Enables/disables dynamic-import for a given bundle.
bundle:find-class                 Locates a specified class in any deployed bundle
bundle:headers                    Displays OSGi headers of a given bundles.
bundle:id                         Gets the bundle ID.
bundle:info                       Displays detailed information of a given bundles.
bundle:install                    Installs one or more bundles.
bundle:list                       Lists all installed bundles.
bundle:load-test                  Load test bundle lifecycle
bundle:refresh                    Refresh bundles.
bundle:requirements               Displays OSGi requirements of a given bundles.
bundle:resolve                    Resolve bundles.
bundle:restart                    Restarts bundles.
bundle:services                   Lists OSGi services per Bundle
bundle:start                      Starts bundles.
bundle:start-level                Gets or sets the start level of a bundle.
bundle:stop                       Stop bundles.
bundle:tree-show                  Shows the tree of bundles based on the wiring information.
bundle:uninstall                  Uninstall bundles.
bundle:update                     Update bundle.
bundle:watch                      Watches and updates bundles
config                            Enter the subshell
config:cancel                     Cancels the changes to the configuration being edited.
config:delete                     Delete a configuration.
config:edit                       Creates or edits a configuration.
config:list                       Lists existing configurations.
config:meta                       Lists meta type information.
config:property-append            Appends the given value to an existing property or creates the property with the specified name and value.
config:property-delete            Deletes a property from the configuration being edited.
config:property-list              Lists properties from the currently edited configuration.
config:property-set               Sets a property in the currently edited configuration.
config:update                     Saves and propagates changes from the configuration being edited.
dev                               Enter the subshell
dev:dump-create                   Creates zip archive with diagnostic info.
exit                              Exit from the current shell
feature                           Enter the subshell
feature:export-bundles            Export all of the bundles that make up a specified feature to a directory on the file system.
feature:info                      Shows information about selected feature.
feature:install                   Installs a feature with the specified name and version.
feature:list                      Lists all existing features available from the defined repositories.
feature:regions                   Prints information about region digraph.
feature:repo-add                  Add a features repository
feature:repo-list                 Displays a list of all defined repositories.
feature:repo-refresh              Refresh a features repository
feature:repo-remove               Removes the specified repository features service.
feature:requirement-add           Add provisioning requirements.
feature:requirement-list          List provisioning requirements.
feature:requirement-remove        Remove provisioning requirements.
feature:start                     Start features with the specified name and version.
feature:stop                      Start features with the specified name and version.
feature:uninstall                 Uninstalls a feature with the specified name and version.
feature:version-list              Lists all versions of a feature available from the currently available repositories.
help                              Displays this help or help about a command
instance                          Enter the subshell
instance:clone                    Clones an existing container instance.
instance:connect                  Connects to an existing container instance.
instance:create                   Creates a new container instance.
instance:destroy                  Destroys an existing container instance.
instance:list                     Lists all existing container instances.
instance:opts-change              Changes the Java options of an existing container instance.
instance:rename                   Rename an existing container instance.
instance:restart                  Restart an existing container instance.
instance:rmi-registry-port-change Changes the RMI registry port (used by management layer) of an existing container instance.
instance:rmi-server-port-change   Changes the RMI server port (used by management layer) of an existing instance.
instance:ssh-host-change          Changes the secure shell host of an existing container instance.
instance:ssh-port-change          Changes the secure shell port of an existing container instance.
instance:start                    Start an existing container instance.
instance:status                   Check the current status of an instance.
instance:stop                     Stop an existing container instance.
jaas                              Enter the subshell
jaas:cancel                       Cancel the modification of a JAAS realm
jaas:group-add                    Make a user part of a group
jaas:group-create                 create a group in a realm
jaas:group-delete                 Remove a user from a group
jaas:group-list                   List groups in a realm
jaas:group-role-add               Add a role to a group
jaas:group-role-delete            Remove a role from a group
jaas:pending-list                 List the pending modification on the active JAAS Realm/Login Module
jaas:realm-list                   List JAAS realms
jaas:realm-manage                 Manage users and roles of a JAAS Realm
jaas:role-add                     Add a role to a user
jaas:role-delete                  Delete a role from a user
jaas:su                           Substitute user identity
jaas:sudo                         Execute a command as another user
jaas:update                       Apply pending modification on the edited JAAS Realm
jaas:user-add                     Add a user
jaas:user-delete                  Delete a usergit s
jaas:user-list                    List the users of the selected JAAS realm/login module
kar                               Enter the subshell
kar:create                        Create a kar file for a list of feature repos
kar:install                       Installs a KAR file.
kar:list                          List the installed KAR files.
kar:uninstall                     Uninstall a KAR file.
log                               Enter the subshell
log:clear                         Clear log entries.
log:display                       Displays log entries.
log:exception-display             Displays the last occurred exception from the log.
log:get                           Shows the currently set log level.
log:log                           Log a message.
log:set                           Sets the log level.
log:tail                          Continuously display log entries. Use ctrl-c to quit this command
openhab                           Enter the subshell
openhab:install-service           Install openHAB as a system service.
package                           Enter the subshell
package:exports                   Lists exported packages and the bundles that export them
package:imports                   Lists imported packages and the bundles that import them
scr                               Enter the subshell
scr:activate                      Activates a Component for the given name
scr:deactivate                    Deactivates a Component for the given name
scr:details                       Display available components
scr:list                          Display available components
service                           Enter the subshell
service:list                      Lists OSGi services.
service:wait                      Wait for a given OSGi service.
shell                             Enter the subshell
shell:alias                       Create an alias to a command
shell:cat                         Displays the content of a file or URL.
shell:clear                       Clears the console buffer.
shell:completion                  Display or change the completion mode on the current console session.
shell:date                        Display the current time in the given FORMAT
shell:each                        Execute a closure on a list of arguments.
shell:echo                        Echoes or prints arguments to STDOUT.
shell:edit                        Calls a text editor.
shell:env                         Get/set the value of a console session variable.
shell:exec                        Executes system processes.
shell:grep                        Prints lines matching the given pattern.
shell:head                        Displays the first lines of a file.
shell:history                     Prints command history.
shell:if                          If/Then/Else block.
shell:info                        Prints system information.
shell:java                        Executes a Java standard application.
shell:less                        File pager.
shell:logout                      Disconnects shell from current session.
shell:more                        File pager.
shell:new                         Creates a new java object.
shell:printf                      Formats and prints arguments.
shell:sleep                       Sleeps for a bit then wakes up.
shell:sort                        Writes sorted concatenation of all files to standard output.
shell:source                      Run a script
shell:stack-traces-print          Prints the full stack trace in the console when the execution of a command throws an exception.
shell:tac                         Captures the STDIN and returns it as a string. Optionally writes the content to a file.
shell:tail                        Displays the last lines of a file.
shell:threads                     Prints the current threads (optionally with stacktraces)
shell:watch                       Watches & refreshes the output of a command
shell:wc                          Print newline, word, and byte counts for each file.
shell:while                       Loop while the condition is true.
smarthome                         Enter the subshell
smarthome:>                       Execute scripts
smarthome:discovery               Control the discovery mechanism.
smarthome:inbox                   Manage your inbox.
smarthome:items                   Access the item registry.
smarthome:links                   Manage your links.
smarthome:send                    Send a command to an item.
smarthome:setup                   Setup your system.
smarthome:status                  Get the current status of an item.
smarthome:things                  Access your thing registry.
smarthome:update                  Send a state update to an item.
ssh                               Enter the subshell
ssh:ssh                           Connects to a remote SSH server
ssh:sshd                          Creates a SSH server
system                            Enter the subshell
system:framework                  OSGi Framework options.
system:name                       Show or change Karaf instance name.
system:property                   Get or set a system property.
system:shutdown                   Shutdown the Karaf container.
system:start-level                Gets or sets the system start level.
system:version                    Display the instance version
wrapper                           Enter the subshell
wrapper:install                   Install the container as a system service in the OS.

Me too, but when i fill in the install command is is saying

openhab> install service
Bundle IDs:
Error executing command: Error installing bundles:
Unable to install bundle service

i ran the normal script

openhab>  openhab:install-service 

Starting openHAB system service installation...

That did the trick for installing, Thank you Kai
Now i got an error while adding it to the init.d for autostart

update-rc.d openHAB-service defaults

update-rc.d: using dependency based boot sequencing
insserv: warning: script ‘K02openhab’ missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: warning: script ‘openHAB-service’ missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: warning: script ‘openhab’ missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: warning: script ‘karaf-service’ missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: There is a loop between service mediatomb and openHAB-service if stopped
insserv: loop involving service openHAB-service at depth 2
insserv: loop involving service mediatomb at depth 1
insserv: Stopping openHAB-service depends on mediatomb and therefore on system facility $all' which can not be true! insserv: Stopping karaf-service depends on mediatomb and therefore on system facility $all’ which can not be true!
insserv: exiting now without changing boot order!
update-rc.d: error: insserv rejected the script header

Hm, unfortunately, I had to learn that this Karaf feature is broken on RaspPi:

I suggest to close this topic and continue on Start script for OH2 if necessary.