Static IP adress with OH 4.3

dear all

As always I tried to assign a static IP adress after installation of OH by adding in the file /etc/dhcpcd.conf the following lines:

interface eth0

Unfortunately this does not work anymore. Can anybody help?

Bookworm uses a different network konfig, networkmanager. You should check rhe according docs.

@hmerk : Thank you very much for your quick reply. However, what is strange, is that my old ā€œprocedureā€ only does not work since 4.3. Was the ā€œoldā€ possibility switched off with 4.3?

No, this is not related to openHAB, this is OS depending. Therefore my advice to check the docs of your OS.
Please keep in mind, if you are using an openHABian installation, setting static IP is not supported!

@hmerk: thank you very much for that. Maybe that is the reason, why I always had problems updating OH to the next release via Openhabian.
Anyway, I changed the settings now to the proposed set-up (i.e. allocating fixed IP adress via router)

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