Stop one Timer from another one


I’m trying to develop a rule using some timers. In my case I have to stop a timer1 (rainSTARTscheduleDelayTimer) from timer2 (rainSTOPscheduleDelayTimer), if timers 1 exists. This is my code:

'use strict';

var log = Java.type('org.slf4j.LoggerFactory').getLogger('org.openhab.rule.' + ctx.ruleUID);
var doLog = true;

var ScriptExecution = Java.type("org.openhab.core.model.script.actions.ScriptExecution");
var ZonedDateTime   = Java.type("java.time.ZonedDateTime");

 * Stop mower when it starts to rain
this.rainSTOPscheduleDelayTimer = (this.rainSTOPscheduleDelayTimer===undefined) ? null : this.rainSTOPscheduleDelayTimer;
if (event.itemState == "OPEN" && ir.getItem("GardenaRobart_Status").getState() == "OK")  {
  //chancel rainSTOPscheduleDelayTimer if this rule is retriggered
  if(this.rainSTOPscheduleDelayTimer !== null){
    this.rainSTOPscheduleDelayTimer = null;

  //start rainSTOPscheduleDelayTimer for 5 minutes
  this.rainSTOPscheduleDelayTimer = ScriptExecution.createTimer(, function(){

    if (ir.getItem("KNXSteuerAussRegen").getState() == "OPEN" ) {

		//stop rainSTARTscheduleDelayTimer if it exists
        if(this.rainSTARTscheduleDelayTimer !== null){
          this.rainSTARTscheduleDelayTimer = null;
		events.sendCommand("GardenaRobart_ZeitplanPausieren", "ON")

 * Continue mower after rain
this.rainSTARTscheduleDelayTimer = (this.rainSTARTscheduleDelayTimer===undefined) ? null : this.rainSTARTscheduleDelayTimer;
if (event.itemState == "CLOSED" && ir.getItem("GardenaRobart_Status").getState() == "OK")  { 
  //chancel rainSTARTscheduleDelayTimer if this rule is retriggered
  if(this.rainSTARTscheduleDelayTimer !== null){
    this.rainSTARTscheduleDelayTimer = null;
  //start rainStartscheduleTimer if there is no rainSTOPscheduleDelayTimer
  if(this.rainSTOPscheduleDelayTimer == null){
    this.rainSTARTscheduleDelayTimer= ScriptExecution.createTimer(, function(){
		events.sendCommand("GardenaRobart_ZeitplanStarten", "ON")
  else {
    if (doLog)"Der rainStopscheduleDelayTimer läuft noch, rainStartscheduleTimer wird nicht gestartet");

In one case I want to stop the “rainSTARTscheduleDelayTimer” if it exists and when the 5 minutes waittime of “rainSTOPscheduleDelayTimer” are over. In the second case I wand to start the “rainSTARTscheduleDelayTimer” if there is no “rainSTOPscheduleDelayTimer”

If I try to stop the “rainSTARTscheduleDelayTimer” if it exists and when the 5 minutes waittime of “rainSTOPscheduleDelayTimer” are over I get the following exception:

2022-05-27 13:45:03.295 [WARN ] [ore.internal.scheduler.SchedulerImpl] - Scheduled job failed and stopped
jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAException: TypeError: Cannot read property "rainSTARTscheduleTimer" from undefined

Does anyone know, what I am doing wrong?
