You are not telling much. What you may want to do is to start over, take it slow, read the doc (start with the intro), and pick one binding at a time. Right now, you mentioned three or four bindings, your general lack of understanding and unspecified errors. So, read the docs first, this way you may get some general ideas. Not sure what you do not understand in the forum, you can search, you can sort with tags…it is a forum there will be questions and answers in a long string (a thread) and sometimes the topic meanders. For all basic info, there is the documentation: (this links brings you to the beginning, start reading there and continue on).
Also, you may want to read this:
How to ask a good question / Help Us Help You
Once you are a little clearer on the concepts, start with a simple binding (maybe start with neatmo), read the docs, read the docs for the binding and if you run into trouble read the post above, and share all details mentioned there. Only then will someone be able to help.