String item is not in the Basic UI

Hello everybody,

String item is in the Paper UI, when I define a Sitemap the Item is not in the Basic UI.
Addon: LG web OS

sitemap home label=“Markś Zimmer”
String LGWebOSTV_Application label=“Apps”

Thank u,
Mark Baumann

That looks like an Item definition.

A presentation element in a sitemap might look more like

Text item=LGWebOSTV_Application

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Ok cool! the item is in the Basic UI, but I can´t edit the Text.

You might want to use a selection item in the sitemap. You can either use transformation services with a map, or map the selection items right in the sitemap definition.

Hello Branden,

since I’m new here, I do not really understand what you mean.

How should this item be rewritten so that I can insert text?

Text item = LGWebOSTV_Application

Many Greetings,
Mark Baumann

What @Branden_Smale means is what is also done in this example in the documentation:

AFAIK there is no way in Basic UI to send a pure text as input back to OpenHAB.
Why would you want to edit the text in the first place, so what is your intended use and behaviour?

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Are you sure this is possible? I tried that some time ago and it didn’t work. Thanks

AFAIK something like a “Textbox” ( i.e. a control that takes a string) is only possible in HABPanel.
My use case is the desired string for a TTS voice service.

I am sure this is possible. Are you trying to input a set of strings that won’t change, or are you looking for something dynamic? The latter of which I don’t know is possible.

I tried to use a map transformation file as an input of a switch key/value pairs.

Something like that:

Switch item=callScriptItem icon="-" label="Auschalten" mappings=["SwitchOff_All"="Alles","SwitchOff_Lights"="Licht","SwitchOff_LightsStairs"="Treppenhaus"]


What commands does the device you are controlling expect?

And, you are trying to use a local map as well as a map transformation. If you want to use the separate file (.map) then you call that from the line where you did your local transform. Either way works fine, the .map file is reusable…


The item is just a string item, nothing more.
Every received command calls a script of the given name.

I use the same list of functions in several places in the UI, currently i need to hardcode all the key/value pairs in the sitemap several times. I would like to use a simple map transformation for that. If you know how to do it, please let me know.

Have a look here for details.

Another thing is the configuration of Keymappings. You have your pool of functions which you want to be configured for some keys/keypresses.

Have a look here for details:

And, last but not least, here is the github issue i opened:

Hello I seem to have the same problem.
My String Item won’t show the assigned Text in the Basic UI. I have used your solution, but it still doesn’t show.
Can this be conntected to a rule I have written for the item? The rule itself is working the way I need it to though.


Switch userRecognition "User recognition"
Switch adlSwitch "ADL Switch" 
Number adlSetting "ADL Setting"
Switch amazonEcho "Amazon Echo"
String UserPosition "User Position"


Frame label="User recognition" {

        Switch item=userRecognition icon="motion"

        Text item=UserPosition



rule "Auslösen des Sendens der Position"
		Item userRecognition received update
		if (userRecognition.state == OFF) {
			sendCommand(UserPosition, "Kein Nutzer erkannt")
		else {
			var BeaconList = newArrayList('Arbeitsplatz', 'Home Base', 'Kaffeemaschine', 'LivingLab', 'Spielzimmer', 'Studentenlabor' )
			var i =rand.nextInt(6);
			var msg = BeaconList.get(i)
			sendCommand(UserPosition, msg)
			if(adlSetting.state == 0){
			else if (adlSetting.state == 1){

Thank you in advance!

What do you see in whatever UI you are using?
Does your Item ever get a state? Look in your events.log
Does your sitemap load without error? Look in your openhab.log