I have the Alarm Decoder binding set up and I want to determine whether the alarm is armed. The Galant panel I have operates differently to the Vista, for which the Alarm Decoder was designed. None of the bits are set/unset when the panel is armed (except during the exit time) but what does happen is the display goes clear until the alarm is unset.
Therefore I am trying to use a simple rule to update a Number item to either 0 or 1 depending on whether the display is blank.
I have this rule but it doesn’t work:
rule AlarmArmed
when Item alarmPanelDisplay changed
if (alarmPanelDisplay == “” “”) {
else {
I have tried with and without the escaped quotes (the quotes are present when I view the string in either the REST API or the Classic UI).
I have also tried the string with only a single space (with and without quotes) because the string of 32 spaces appears to collapse to a single space when viewed in the REST API.
Whatever I do, the value of alarmArmed stays at 0.
I guess I’m doing the string comparison wrong but I can’t work out how. Any help please?
You need to compare the state of alarmPanelDisplay.
if(alarmPanelDisplay.state.toString == "\"\"") {
The second is you should print out exactly what the string looks like, not just how it is encoded on a GUI somewhere. Add
logInfo("AlarmArmed", "alarmPanelDisplay is set to ---" + alarmPanelDisplay.state.toString + "--")
Whatever appears between the “—” in your log is what you need to compare against. If nothing appears (i.e. ------) then use == "". It must exactly match though. Same number of spaces, quotes (escaped as you are doing above) and all.
So it appears that the “blank” display is 32 space characters.
When I try
when Item alarmPanelDisplay changed from "\" \""
as worked with the original alarmdecoder binding, the rule never triggers.
If I use
when Item alarmPanelDisplay changed from " "
as used to work with the v2 binding in OH2, the rule triggers on every change, not just when the previous state was blank.
Similarly if I use
when Item alarmPanelDisplay changed from ""
when Item alarmPanelDisplay changed from ' '
it triggers on every change.
I could let the rule be triggered on every change and then evaluate the string within the rule but it seems inefficient to run the rule every 60 seconds when it used to only run when I unset the alarm.
They are fenced exactly the same way as the logs. I can see the spaces when I edit the text but I can see that they aren’t displayed to other readers, so I added the comment to avoid confusion.
No, the rule is still in the original file.
Part of the reason for working on my OpenHAB installation is for the fun of solving problems. Some people do crosswords or sudoku, I enjoy working on home automation. I could go for a suboptimal solution but where’s the fun in that?
They are not on their own line. They are embedded inside a sentence.
" "
Anyway, if it’s not in the UI I don’t have anything to offer. OH 3 changed the underlying rule engine when OH 3 was released and that may have changed how the trigger definitions are processed (e.g apply a trim to get rid of extra white space). In the browser I know for sure extra white space is trimmed.
Indeed. That’s the quote I am using; you can see it in the screenshot in my previous post. If I was using a single quote, it would show up as three single quotes and not appear in a different font with a highlighted background.
OK, thanks; I have edited the original post. Note that using the single back quote and keeping the code within a sentence still removes additional spaces.
The quick brown `fox jumped` over the lazy dog.
Renders to
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
Anyway; what I came here to find out was how to trigger a rule on a string item state changing from 32 spaces. Hopefully someone will know.
Wont’t the “but only if” act on the current state of the item? Changed from works on the previous state. I need to detect the change from otherwise I’ll create a race condition.
When the alarm is armed, the display is blank. When you unset it, the display shows the time etc. The old rule used “change from blank” to change the status item from set to unset. To replicate this, I could trigger on every change and if the display isn’t blank, change the status item to unset.
However, when you set the alarm, I use an “exit timer running” signal from the alarm to set the status item to “set”. At that point the display isn’t blank and changes during the exit cycle, which would trigger the rule and the display not being blank, would change the status item back to “unset”.
The changed from function worked brilliantly but it looks like I am going to have to write a load of code to set flags based on previous state and run the rule at least every 60 seconds to replace that functionality.
Not necessarily. You can create a Script Condition that acts on anything you can code, including previousState and newState or even the states of other Items.
No, just use previousState in Rules DSL which gets populated with the state the Item was in before it changed for changed triggered rules. Rules | openHAB
rule NotArmedLong
when Item alarmPanelDisplay changed
logInfo("test", "Entry state X" + alarmPanelDisplay.state.toString + "X")
logInfo("test", "Entry char count " + alarmPanelDisplay.state.toString.length)
logInfo("test", "Entry previous state X" + alarmPanelDisplay.previousState.state.toString + "X")
This is what is in the log:
2022-01-14 21:59:54.635 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test ] - Entry state X ACE Security 14-01-22 22:14X
2022-01-14 21:59:54.638 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test ] - Entry char count 32
2022-01-14 21:59:54.671 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test ] - Entry previous state X ACE Security 23-05-21 18:40X
2022-01-14 22:00:54.941 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test ] - Entry state X ACE Security 14-01-22 22:15X
2022-01-14 22:00:54.946 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test ] - Entry char count 32
2022-01-14 22:00:55.016 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.model.script.test ] - Entry previous state X ACE Security 23-05-21 18:40X
So not only does the previousState not get updated with each item update; it looks like it was last updated on 23rd May 2021. My system has been rebooted many times since then and I don’t believe I’ve ever persisted the alarmPanelDisplay. Not sure what is going on!