Stuck in simple http GET

Hi. Migrating to OH3.2 from 2.4 and are totally lost in a simple (embarrassing) issue…

I am trying to send simple GET commands to an Arduino triggered by switches

Requests I am trying to create is:

So how should I configurate? Should I use string switch or contact as Item?
Just confused right now :slight_smile:
this is my starting point:

UID: http:url:arduinopool
label: Pool Arduino
thingTypeUID: http:url
authMode: BASIC
ignoreSSLErrors: false
delay: 0
stateMethod: GET
refresh: 30
commandMethod: GET
contentType: text/html
timeout: 3000
bufferSize: 2048

  • id: Channel6
    channelTypeUID: http:string
    label: Channel6
    description: “”
    configuration: {}
  • id: Channel7
    channelTypeUID: http:string
    label: Channel7
    description: “”
    configuration: {}
  • id: Channel8
    channelTypeUID: http:string
    label: Channel8
    description: “”
    configuration: {}

Any help is appreciated !
Best Regs

Try a switch channel like

  - id: Channel6
    channelTypeUID: http:switch
    label: Channel6 label
    description: ""
      onValue: "true"
      offValue: "false"
      stateExtension: ?OUT6=

Hi and tnx for answer.
Added as you suggested and linked a switch Item.
In my log i can see:
[TRACE] [nding.http.internal.HttpThingHandler] - Sending to Method = {GET}, Headers = {Accept-Encoding: gzip, User-Agent: Jetty/9.4.43.v20210629}, Content = {null}
And Arduino is responding 200

but the OUT8=true/false value is missing in the URL.
What have I missed?

UID: http:url:arduinopool
label: Arduino Pool
thingTypeUID: http:url
authMode: BASIC
ignoreSSLErrors: false
delay: 0
stateMethod: GET
refresh: 300
commandMethod: GET
contentType: text/html
timeout: 3000
bufferSize: 2048

  • id: Channel6
    channelTypeUID: http:switch
    label: LabelChannel6
    description: “”
    onValue: “true”
    mode: READWRITE
    offValue: “false”
    stateExtension: ?OUT6=
  • id: Channel7
    channelTypeUID: http:switch
    label: LabelChannel7
    description: “”
    onValue: “true”
    mode: READWRITE
    offValue: “false”
    stateExtension: ?URL7=
  • id: Channel8
    channelTypeUID: http:switch
    label: LabelChannel8
    description: “”
    onValue: “true”
    mode: READWRITE
    offValue: “false”
    stateExtension: ?OUT8=

Remember this is a bi-directional binding. It will automatically send to a URL and try to use the returned data from the remote service to update your channels/Items
You don’t want that, if you want to send HTTP to remote service in response to commands to your Items/channels.

So set refresh to zero, ignore stuff to do with statexxx, and look at commandxxx parameters like commandExtension

Huh, is this valid? If so it’s a feature that could do with documenting on the binding page.

At the moment I’d assumed command-only HTTP Things were defined if all their Channel mode was set to WRITEONLY

Setting any channels to write only does not stop the Thing read polling at the requested intervals - you might have a mix of channels, for example.

Right, but that’s why I mentioned

i.e. no mix.

OK tried stateExtension and commandExtension “?OUT8=” with same result.’ here I want to add true or false

So what is the trick to get the value from switch Item into the url?
Can not find anything about that in docs.


It’s there, at the bottom of the docs.

Combine that with an onValue: true and offValue: false

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Off topic

Don’t care, you are allowed to have a mix is the point. So channel read/write settings do not control the HTTP Thing to read-poll or not. That’s the refresh parameter’s job.

So it’s a fact that refresh: 0 means disabling polling?

just to broaden your options: you could create a rule and pass over the value to your get request. It is a one-liner

sendHttpGetRequest("" + variable)

no ‘0’ is not allowed, but I think ‘’ blank stops…

Cool Oliver :slight_smile: will try, but I prefer doing it in channel (if possible)

I have done that from start …hmm frustrating :slight_smile:

My Code
UID: http:url:arduinopool
label: Arduino Pool
thingTypeUID: http:url
authMode: BASIC
ignoreSSLErrors: false
delay: 0
stateMethod: GET
refresh: 300
commandMethod: GET
contentType: text/html
timeout: 3000
bufferSize: 2048

  • id: Channel8
    channelTypeUID: http:switch
    label: LabelChannel8
    description: “”
    onValue: “true”
    offValue: “false”
    commandExtension: /?OUT8=

Right, except this snippet still doesn’t show the correct use of the URL formatter linked previously.

You need to use %2$ at the end of your commandExtension

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