Success with Sonoff zigbee bridge and zigbee binding

You should have a look at the following Tasmota options:

SetOption89 1
SetOption83 1
SetOption112 1

I’m still working on the JSON transformation, because i’m getting a warning if the payload doesn’t include an information. These are my Things for now:

Type switch : KinderzimmerHeizstrahlerState             "Status"                        	[ stateTopic = "tele/Kinderzimmer_Heizstrahler/SENSOR" , transformationPattern = "REGEX:(.*\"Power\".*)∩JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.Kinderzimmer_Heizstrahler.Power", commandTopic = "cmnd/ZigBee2Tasmota/ZbSend", formatBeforePublish = "{ \"device\":\"Kinderzimmer_Heizstrahler\", \"send\":{\"Power\":\"%s\"} }", on = "1", off = "0" ]
		Type number : KinderzimmerHeizstrahlerLinkquality       "Verbindungsqualität"           	[ stateTopic = "tele/Kinderzimmer_Heizstrahler/SENSOR" , transformationPattern = "REGEX:(.*\"LinkQuality\".*)∩JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.Kinderzimmer_Heizstrahler.LinkQuality" ]

Thanks for the tip !
I now have a MQTT topic per device.
I just adapted my things:

Bridge mqtt:broker:mosquitto-nas [ host="localhost", secure=false, clientID="openhab-aqara.things" ]
{   Thing topic Zbbridge1 "Zbbridge1 Sonoff" @ "Garage" {
        Type datetime : LastUpdate "LastUpdate" [stateTopic="tele/zbbridge1/STATE" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Time"]      
        Type number : LoadAvg "LoadAvg" [stateTopic="tele/zbbridge1/STATE" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.LoadAvg"]
        Type number : Vcc "Vcc" [stateTopic="tele/zbbridge1/STATE" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Vcc"]
        Type string : Version [stateTopic="stat/zbbridge1/INFO1", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Version"]

    Thing topic AqaraTemp02 "AqaraTemp02" @ "Cave" {
        Type string : Name "Name" [stateTopic="tele/AqaraTemp02/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.AqaraTemp02.Name"]
        Type datetime : LastUpdate "LastUpdate" [stateTopic="tele/AqaraTemp02/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.AqaraTemp02.Temperature"]      
        Type number : Temperature "Temperature" [stateTopic="tele/AqaraTemp02/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.AqaraTemp02.Temperature", unit="°C"]
        Type number : Pressure "Pressure" [stateTopic="tele/AqaraTemp02/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.AqaraTemp02.Pressure" , unit="hPa"]
        Type number : Humidity "Humidity" [stateTopic="tele/AqaraTemp02/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.AqaraTemp02.Humidity" , unit="%"]
        Type number : BatteryVoltage "BatteryVoltage" [stateTopic="tele/AqaraTemp02/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.AqaraTemp02.BatteryVoltage" , unit="V"]
        Type number : BatteryPercentage "BatteryPercentage" [stateTopic="tele/AqaraTemp02/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.AqaraTemp02.BatteryPercentage" , unit="%"]
        Type number : LinkQuality "LinkQuality" [ stateTopic="tele/AqaraTemp02/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.AqaraTemp02.LinkQuality"]

    Thing topic TuyaTemp01 "TuyaTemp01" @ "Cuisine" {
        Type string : Name "Name" [stateTopic="tele/TuyaTemp01/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.TuyaTemp01.Name"]
        Type datetime : LastUpdate "LastUpdate" [stateTopic="tele/TuyaTemp01/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.TuyaTemp01.Temperature"]
        Type number : Temperature "Temperature" [stateTopic="tele/TuyaTemp01/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.TuyaTemp01.Temperature", unit="°C"]
        Type number : Pressure "Pressure" [stateTopic="tele/TuyaTemp01/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.TuyaTemp01.Pressure" , unit="hPa"]
        Type number : Humidity "Humidity" [stateTopic="tele/TuyaTemp01/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.TuyaTemp01.Humidity" , unit="%"]
        Type number : BatteryVoltage "BatteryVoltage" [stateTopic="tele/TuyaTemp01/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.TuyaTemp01.BatteryVoltage" , unit="V"]
        Type number : BatteryPercentage "BatteryPercentage" [stateTopic="tele/TuyaTemp01/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.TuyaTemp01.BatteryPercentage" , unit="%"]
        Type number : LinkQuality "LinkQuality" [ stateTopic="tele/TuyaTemp01/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.TuyaTemp01.LinkQuality"]

    Thing topic AqaraPlug01 "AqaraPlug01" @ "Garage" {
        Type string : Name "Name" [stateTopic="tele/AqaraPlug01/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.AqaraPlug01.Name"]
        Type datetime : LastUpdate "LastUpdate" [stateTopic="tele/AqaraPlug01/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.AqaraPlug01.Temperature"]
        Type switch : Power "Power" [stateTopic="tele/AqaraPlug01/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.AqaraPlug01.Power", commandTopic = "cmnd/zbbridge1/zbSend", formatBeforePublish="{ \"device\":\"AqaraPlug01\", \"send\":{\"Power\":%s} }" ]
        Type number : LinkQuality "LinkQuality" [ stateTopic="tele/AqaraPlug01/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.AqaraPlug01.LinkQuality"]

    Thing topic HueSensor1 "HueSensor1" @ "Extérieur" {
        Type string : Name "Name" [stateTopic="tele/HueSensor1/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.HueSensor1.Name"]
        Type datetime : LastUpdate "LastUpdate" [stateTopic="tele/HueSensor1/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.HueSensor1.LinkQuality"]
        Type number : LinkQuality "LinkQuality" [ stateTopic="tele/HueSensor1/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.HueSensor1.LinkQuality"]
		Type number : BatteryPercentage "BatteryPercentage" [stateTopic="tele/HueSensor1/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.HueSensor1.BatteryPercentage" , unit="%"]
        Type number : Temperature "Temperature" [stateTopic="tele/HueSensor1/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.HueSensor1.Temperature", unit="°C"]
        Type switch : Occupancy "Occupancy" [stateTopic="tele/HueSensor1/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.HueSensor1.Occupancy"]
        Type number : Illuminance "Illuminance" [stateTopic="tele/HueSensor1/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.HueSensor1.Illuminance"]

    Thing topic SonoffMotion1 "SonoffMotion1" @ "Cave" {
        Type string : Name "Name" [stateTopic="tele/SonoffMotion1/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.SonoffMotion1.Name"]
        Type datetime : LastUpdate "LastUpdate" [stateTopic="tele/SonoffMotion1/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.SonoffMotion1.LinkQuality"]
        Type number : LinkQuality "LinkQuality" [ stateTopic="tele/SonoffMotion1/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.SonoffMotion1.LinkQuality"]
		Type number : BatteryPercentage "BatteryPercentage" [stateTopic="tele/SonoffMotion1/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.SonoffMotion1.BatteryPercentage" , unit="%"]
        Type switch : Occupancy "Occupancy" [stateTopic="tele/SonoffMotion1/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.SonoffMotion1.Occupancy"]

    Thing topic SonoffRelay1 "SonoffRelay1" @ "Extérieur" {
        Type string   : Name "Name" [stateTopic="tele/SonoffRelay1/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.SonoffRelay1.Name"]
        Type datetime : LastUpdate "LastUpdate" [stateTopic="tele/SonoffRelay1/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.SonoffRelay1.LinkQuality"]
        Type number   : LinkQuality "LinkQuality" [ stateTopic="tele/SonoffRelay1/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.SonoffRelay1.LinkQuality"]
        Type switch   : Power "Power" [stateTopic="tele/SonoffRelay1/SENSOR" , transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.SonoffRelay1.Power", commandTopic = "cmnd/zbbridge1/zbSend", formatBeforePublish="{ \"device\":\"SonoffRelay1\", \"send\":{\"Power\":%s} }" ]

Edit : My previous command transformation pattern was wrong.

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I just came across this device. How reliable has your setup been? I did couple experiments with a CC2531 but couldn’t get any as reliable as the hue hub. This looks like a potential great solution. How has this been working for you?

Since it’s my first Zigbee setup, I have no real point of comparison.
The setup is easy, the device quality is good.

Although it’s still considered as exprimental, it works rather well.
Since the few weeks it’s “in production”, it is relatively stable. I just had to reboot once, the zigbee stack seemed to crash. lists more devices recognized by zigbee2mqtt than by zigbee2tasmota, but I had no important issues with the devices I’ve used so far (aqara, xiaomi, sonoff, hue).
There is no zigbee map as zigbee2mqtt offers.

Finally, the coverage seems corrects, but no excellent, due to the lack of an external antenna.

So, I’m really happy with my setup, and will keep it for a while.

PS : Itead says there is a limitation to 16 devices, I don’t know if it also applies to tasmota.

Just started configuring my senors and get same problem with these warnings… More worse - MQTT binding reports NULL value on items like “battery percentage”, when value is not included in the payload.
Any idea how to resolve this? At least remove NULL value…

Oh…yes. I’ve got everything working.

First you should make the following settings in Tasmota:
MQTT Topics for every Zigbee Client
SetOption89 1

Friendlyname as group
SetOption83 1

Friendlyname in the Zigbee Topic
SetOption112 1

The MQTT message should look like this afterwards:
tele/FlurOG_Motion/SENSOR = {"ZbReceived":{"FlurOG_Motion":{"Device":"0x88D7","Name":"FlurOG_Motion","Illuminance":0,"Occupancy":1,"Endpoint":1,"LinkQuality":58}}}

And then comes the important part. The combination of jsonpath and regex. The things should look like this:

//Flur OG Temperatur
			Type number : FlurOGBattery                             "Batterie"                      	[ stateTopic = "tele/FlurOG_Temperature/SENSOR" , transformationPattern = "REGEX:(.*\"BatteryPercentage\".*)∩JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.FlurOG_Temperature.BatteryPercentage" ]
			Type number : FlurOGTemperature                         "Temperatur"                    	[ stateTopic = "tele/FlurOG_Temperature/SENSOR" , transformationPattern = "REGEX:(.*\"Temperature\".*)∩JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.FlurOG_Temperature.Temperature" ]
			Type number : FlurOGHumidity                            "Luftfeuchtigkeit"              	[ stateTopic = "tele/FlurOG_Temperature/SENSOR" , transformationPattern = "REGEX:(.*\"Humidity\".*)∩JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.FlurOG_Temperature.Humidity" ]
			Type number : FlurOGLinkquality                         "Verbindungsqualität"           	[ stateTopic = "tele/FlurOG_Temperature/SENSOR" , transformationPattern = "REGEX:(.*\"LinkQuality\".*)∩JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.FlurOG_Temperature.LinkQuality" ]
			Type number : FlurOGVoltage                             "Spannung"                      	[ stateTopic = "tele/FlurOG_Temperature/SENSOR" , transformationPattern = "REGEX:(.*\"BatteryVoltage\".*)∩JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.FlurOG_Temperature.BatteryVoltage" ]

If it’s not just reading information and you have to set something, then it should look like this switch:

Type switch : KinderzimmerHeizstrahlerState "Status" [ stateTopic = "tele/Kinderzimmer_Heizstrahler/SENSOR" , transformationPattern = "REGEX:(.*\"Power\".*)∩JSONPATH:$.ZbReceived.Kinderzimmer_Heizstrahler.Power", commandTopic = "cmnd/ZigBee2Tasmota/ZbSend", formatBeforePublish = "{ \"device\":\"Kinderzimmer_Heizstrahler\", \"send\":{\"Power\":\"%s\"} }", on = "1", off = "0" ]

And the Items for these things:

Number:Temperature 	FlurOG_Temperatur 	                                "Flur OG Temperatur [%.2f °C]"		                        	<temperature> 		(gOG_Flur)		                                                            { channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:Zigbee2Tasmota:FlurOGTemperature" }
		Number 		        FlurOG_Luftfeuchtigkeit 											                                                <humidity> 			(gOG_Flur,gChartFeuchtigkeit,gHumidityAvg) 			                        { channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:Zigbee2Tasmota:FlurOGHumidity" }
		Number		        FlurOG_Verbindungsqualitaet		                    "Flur OG Temperatur"  						                	<qualityofservice>  (gZigbeeLink)								                                { channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:Zigbee2Tasmota:FlurOGLinkquality"}
		Number 		        FlurOG_Batterie 								    "Flur OG Temperatur [%.1f %%]"      	                  		<battery> 			(gZigbeeBattery)												            { channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:Zigbee2Tasmota:FlurOGBattery" }
		Number 		        FlurOG_Spannung 													                                                <energy> 															                            { channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:Zigbee2Tasmota:FlurOGVoltage" }

I hope it helps you and everyone else. Took me hours to find the right regex expression.


Thanks! You saved my day!

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I have followed your instruction but I’m stuck with this

it’s state between UNKNOWN and OFFLINE - COM ERROR
I did change only port into ttyzbbridge as below:

How to solve that?


Openhab must have permissions to access the serial device /dev/ttyzbbridge
You can try cat /dev/ttyzbbridge as openhab user.
You also have to adjust your startup command line to include this device

More details on this page:

Could you try this ?

  1. I added EXTRA_JAVA_OPTS="" under JAVA in /etc/default/openhab2 already is that the right way to do?

  2. I also try with sudo usermod -a -G dialout openhab. but when I run cat /dev/ttyzbbridge without sudo. it is still permission denied

I use openhabian to install OpenHAB in my rasberrypi

I’m very beginner here so if I ask something stupid I apologize.

1 - Yes, that’s correct
2 - So your permissions are not correct
a/ Check the permissions : ls -l /dev/ttyzbbridge
You could try to add owner or group to socat command (I have not tested):
socat -dd pty,link=/dev/ttyzbbridge,raw,user-late=openhab,group-late=dialout tcp:192.168.x.y:8888
b/ You have to logoff/logon again for new group membership to apply

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It’s work!!! Like a magic.
Thanks to you! Now I can search zigbee device via Zigbee binding and link channel to item easily!

Good news :slight_smile:

Finally, what did exactly solve your issue ?
Is this the modified socat commande ?

Yes, with this command
socat -dd pty,link=/dev/ttyzbbridge,raw,user-late=openhab,group-late=dialout tcp:
after that everything is good. :grin:


I have also bought the Sonoff Bridge and flashed it with Tasmota. The Sonoff Button is working. I am using MQTT and I am able to control OH stuff with the Sonoff button

I am not sure but I found that Aqara Sensors are directly connectable to the bridge but for me the pairing was not succesful. Anyone got this working?
I set the pairing mode on the bridge and resettet an aqara switch and temp sensor but both dont connect to the bridge.

I was able to pair various Sonoff, Hue and Aqara sensors, including 2 Aqara temp/hum/pressure sensors WSDCGQ11LM :

zbstatus2 0xADEA
21:44:51 MQT: stat/zbbridge1/RESULT = {"ZbStatus2":[{"Device":"0xADEA","Name":"AqaraTemp01","IEEEAddr":"0x00158D000533C4AB","ModelId":"","Manufacturer":"LUMI","Endpoints":[1],"Config":["T01"]}]}

This model is reported as working on blakadder, but WSDCGQ12LM isn’t
What is exactly your model ?

I don"t exactly remember, but I guess I paired then typing zbpermitjoin 1 command on tasmota and then pressed the reset button for 5 seconds.

thanks for the reply. I have the same Aqara sensor like you mentioned (wsdcgq11lm). I tried severall tasmota firmware files on my Sonoff zbbridge. 8.5.1 and 9.1.0 without any difference. What version are you running?

I startet the zbpermitjoin 1 command at the console on the bridge and then pressed 5 seconds on the aqara sensor until the blue light flashes but nothing happened.

I’ve been runnning all the releases of tasmota since zbbridge support.
I guess i was version 8.4.x or 8.5.x when I paired these devices.
I will try to pair again one and let you know.

Which EZSP firmware (from are you using ?

Thanks for response. I tried both firmware files from this page. But I think ncp-uart-sw_6.5.5_115200.ota is not able to use with Zigbee devices so I am running ncp-uart-sw_6.7.6_115200.ota.

What parameters should I use at the configuration?

I’m using the same firmware:

Nov 30 16:56:57 zbbridge1 ESP-ZIG: Resetting EZSP device
Nov 30 16:56:59 zbbridge1 ESP-MQT: tele/zbbridge1/RESULT = {"ZbState":{"Status":1,"Message":"EFR32 booted","RestartReason":"Power-on","Code":2}}
Nov 30 16:56:59 zbbridge1 ESP-MQT: tele/zbbridge1/RESULT = {"ZbState":{"Status":55,"Version":"","Protocol":8,"Stack":2}}
Nov 30 16:56:59 zbbridge1 ESP-MQT: tele/zbbridge1/RESULT = {"ZbState":{"Status":3,"Message":"Configured, starting coordinator"}}
Nov 30 16:57:00 zbbridge1 ESP-MQT: tele/zbbridge1/RESULT = {"ZbState":{"Status":56,"IEEEAddr":"0x60A423FFFE1DBFBF","ShortAddr":"0x0000","DeviceType":1}}
Nov 30 16:57:00 zbbridge1 ESP-ZIG: Subscribe to group 0 'ZbListen0 0'
Nov 30 16:57:01 zbbridge1 ESP-MQT: tele/zbbridge1/RESULT = {"ZbState":{"Status":0,"Message":"Started"}}
Nov 30 16:57:01 zbbridge1 ESP-ZIG: Zigbee started

You cloud try a zbreset but you will need to repair all your devices.
Also, could you paste result of zbstatus and zbconfig commands ?