Switch state from network binding combined with wake-on-lan action

The point is, the switch shows if the computer is on or off, hence the channel ...online linked to the item.
If you only want a switch to switch on the computer, you can simply omit the linking to the channel. But then: why creating a timer at all? it would suffice to do something like that:

Switch VuduoWOL "MyPC" // no linking at all


rule "Wake ob LAN Vuduo"
    Item VuduoWOL received command ON
    val actions = getActions("network", "network:pingdevice:ba2db51b84")

Please be aware that it’s also possible to send a shutdown command to your computer (this will need an exec script). So the switch could be used to

  • start the computer
  • shutdown the computer
  • show the actual state of the computer (ON or OFF)

and this is only one Item!