Switch works with RazBerry, but not in OpenHAB


I have a Raspberry Pi 3 b+, the latest Openhabian and RazBerry as Z-Wave Server.
Then I have instralled z-way an can access wit port 8083.
I have include an aeotec windows/door switch and with the UI from z-way and the windows switch works fine. (a half second after I open der windows sensor I see the result in the UI)

Now I want to see the result also in OpenHab.
I have installed the binding z-way and have set my username and password in the configuration.
The z-way server goes online and I found the windows switch in my inbox and import the switch.

But if I change the windows switch from e.g. closed to open, the z-way UI (:8083) react immedeatly, but Openhab not (nothing to see in the Openhab Log Viewer)

I have also tried with Z-Wave and delete Z-Way with the same negativ result.

I don’t know, what I can do.

Have everybody an hint for me?
Thank you!

Deleting the zway binding does not help, you need to stop the zway server on your razberry board.

What command must I use to stop the zway server?
So I must installed the “Z-Wave Binding”?

I have no idea, I don’t have a razberry board, but I remember this from reading other posts which you may find through the search function.

You can either use the zway binding with a running zway server or the zwave binding without a running zway server.

You can either use the zway binding with a running zway serve

If I use the z-way binding, how can I check, why the signal e.g. from windows closed and open not reach OpenHAB? Is the a log file, how I can read the reason?

thank you. I have see the INFO entries:

22:19:20.208 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zway_zwayDevice_192_168_180_26_4_switchControl_ZWayVDev_zway_Remote_4_0_0_B changed from ON to OFF
22:20:20.868 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zway_zwayDevice_192_168_180_26_4_switchControl_ZWayVDev_zway_Remote_4_0_0_B changed from OFF to ON
22:21:21.506 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zway_zwayDevice_192_168_180_26_4_switchControl_ZWayVDev_zway_Remote_4_0_0_B changed from ON to OFF
22:22:22.122 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent] - zway_zwayDevice_192_168_180_26_4_switchControl_ZWayVDev_zway_Remote_4_0_0_B changed from OFF to ON

So I see, that the status from the switch.
I have set the “polling intervall” to the minimum at 60 seconds in the “Z-Way Binding”, so the status change from the windows switch is to late (see the minutes 19, 20, 21 and 22)
I want the information immediate, that the windows is opened.
Can I do this with the Z-Way Server or must I switch to “Z-Wave Binding”?

I have never used the zway binding but with all bindings there should be immediate reaction on switch changes within a couple of milliseconds without the need of polling.

(no polling) Same topic, but no real solution…