TaHoma binding setting to dim LEDs

Hi all,
I would like to dim the lights of my pergola but can’t figure out the setting to do that. After trying different settings in the .things and .item conf files. my concern is if it is supported.

Actually my TaHoma hub did detect the main light device along with a “LightVar_Wh_io” device, even if I only have one LED receiver. I suppose that one is to turn on/off the light on a channel and the second one to dim that light on another channel.

These are my .things settings:

 Bridge  somfytahoma:bridge:124adb98 "Somfy Tahoma Bridge" @ "Garden" [
                 Thing gateway 1227-8300-6918 "Tahoma gateway" @ "Garden" [ id="1227-8300-6918" ]
                 Thing pergola 7f93ef09-09fe-4055-9ab8-b1c52c29c302 "Pratic Brera" [ url="io://1227-8300-6918/14401305" ]
                Thing onoff 4e4bbb37-c738-47be-8fd4-106f3ff66e11 "Luce Brera" [ url="io://1227-8300-6918/12753151" ]

and this is in my .items settings:

String TahomaVersion "Tahoma version [%s]" { channel="somfytahoma:gateway:124adb98:1227-8300-6918:version" }
Rollershutter PergolaPatio "Patio pergola [%d %%]" { channel="somfytahoma:pergola:124adb98:7f93ef09-09fe-4055-9ab8-b1c52c29c302:control" }
Dimmer PergolaLuce "Pergola Luce [%.1f]" { channel="somfytahoma:pergola:124adb98:4e4bbb37-c738-47be-8fd4-106f3ff66e11:control" }

I can turn on and off the lights, but there’s no way to dim them. This is what I get on the UI

Can anyone shed some “light” :slight_smile:


Try creating a sitemap, add your items and see if that works as PaperUI is not for control but system configuration. I recommend starting with BasicUI.

Also what do you see in the logs when trying to dim the lights?

I have got the same issue.
I think it is just not supported.

There are two channels in my thing

  • switch
  • rssi


Can someone confirm that?

Thanks for prompt reply! I’ve created the sitemap, but the outcome doesn’t change. I can turn on and off the light but still it can’t be dimmed, the values are completely ignored. This is what I have on the log file:

020-08-18 18:41:36.512 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - PergolaLightSwitch changed from OFF to ON
2020-08-18 18:41:39.398 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'PergolaLuce' received command 45
2020-08-18 18:41:39.402 [nt.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - PergolaLuce predicted to become NULL
2020-08-18 18:41:44.889 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'PergolaLuce' received command 74
2020-08-18 18:41:44.895 [nt.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - PergolaLuce predicted to become NULL
2020-08-18 18:42:08.354 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'PergolaLuce' received command 9
2020-08-18 18:42:08.360 [nt.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - PergolaLuce predicted to become NULL

and the rendered sitemap:

Any other glue?

That’s my suspicion as well, dimming is not supported since I’ve tried many different combinations. But here we would need a comment from the developer @Ondrej_Pecta of the Tahoma/Connexxon binding to share some more details…

Hi guys,

you are right, the dimming is not supported. I have some switches but none of them support dimming so I can’t simply add the support.
Can someone having them please PM me with the trace log of your discovery?
There should be the getSetup response containing the detailed info about these switches and commands they accept.
I can add the support afterwards.

Hi Ondrej!
Thanks for your quick reply :slight_smile: Good you have confirmed that it’s not supported since I had the doubt that my configuration was wrong somewhere.
I’ve enable tracing of you binding with:

log:set TRACE org.openhab.binding.somfytahoma.handler.SomfyTahomaBridgeHandler
log:set TRACE org.openhab.binding.somfytahoma

and got the following attached log file. The operation I’ve done is to turn on the lights, dim the light down and then turn them off. I hope this is enough to understand where to support dimming. That would be awesome!


tahoma_ligh_dimming.log (9.3 KB)

Great log!
Sorry, but the important info is still missing, I really need to see the trace log during the discovery phase.
Can you please force the discovery of SomfyTahoma binding and send me the log?

Thank you very much!

I see…! I’ve just restarted the openhab service to force the discovery on startup and collected the log entries. I hope this is what you need :wink:

tahoma_ligh_dimming.log (69.0 KB)

This is exactly I was looking for, thanks!
Please, can you give this a try?

please remove your lights and let them autodiscover once more.
Now the dimmer ones should be detected as “dimmerlight” with and an extra channel for setting the intensity. Hope we will move further :slight_smile:


Hi Ondrej, this is what I’ve done:

  • uninstalled from PaperUI the v2.5.7 Tahoma binding
  • copied the v2.5.8 jar into the /usr/share/openhab2/addons directory
  • to be sure, restarted the openhab service

I’ve noticed that now I have a new “Somfy Dimmer Light” thing discovered. But I’m unsure on how to setup the channel to dim the light.

My .thing files looks like (stripped off the bridge setting):

            Thing gateway 1227-8300-6918 "Tahoma gateway" @ "Garden" [ id="1227-8300-6918" ]
            Thing pergola 7f93ef09-09fe-4055-9ab8-b1c52c29c302 "Pratic Brera" [ url="io://1227-8300-6918/14401305" ]
            Thing onoff 4e4bbb37-c738-47be-8fd4-106f3ff66e11 "Luce Brera 1" [ url="io://1227-8300-6918/12753151" ]
            Thing dimmerlight 4e4bbb37-c738-47be-8fd4-106f3ff66e11 "Luce Brera 2" [ url="io://1227-8300-6918/12753151" ]

and my .item file looks like this

String TahomaVersion "Tahoma version [%s]" { channel="somfytahoma:gateway:124adb98:1227-8300-6918:version" }
Rollershutter PergolaPatio "Patio pergola [%d %%]" { channel="somfytahoma:pergola:124adb98:7f93ef09-09fe-4055-9ab8-b1c52c29c302:control" }

Switch PergolaLight  "Pergola Light" { channel="somfytahoma:onoff:124adb98:4e4bbb37-c738-47be-8fd4-106f3ff66e11:switch" }
Dimmer PergolaLightD "Pergola Light Dimmer [%.1f]" { channel="somfytahoma:dimmerlight:124adb98:4e4bbb37-c738-47be-8fd4-106f3ff66e11:switch" }

On my sitemap I’ve added a slider attached to the “PergolaLightD” item but when using it it doesn’t change the intensity even when the log files shows the different values.

What am I doing wrong?



I think I have found the problem.
You cannot have two different things bound to a single device. The new thing dimmerlight replaces your former onoff light;
So I suggest

  1. comment out the onoff thing
//Thing onoff 4e4bbb37-c738-47be-8fd4-106f3ff66e11 "Luce Brera 1" [ url="io://1227-8300-6918/12753151" ]

and keep the dimmerlight thing as is

  1. modify the PergolaLight item to point to the dimmerlight’s switch channel e.g.
Switch PergolaLight  "Pergola Light" { channel="somfytahoma:dimmerlight:124adb98:4e4bbb37-c738-47be-8fd4-106f3ff66e11:switch" }
  1. modify the PergolaLightD item to point to the dimmelight’s light intensity channel e.g.
Dimmer PergolaLightD "Pergola Light Dimmer [%.1f]" { channel="somfytahoma:dimmerlight:124adb98:4e4bbb37-c738-47be-8fd4-106f3ff66e11:light_intensity" }

I’ve applied your suggestions. Now, when I keep only the dimmerlight thing, it doesn’t show up anymore in the Thing list in PaperUI. I’ve noticed from the log file that the dimmerlight thing is completly ignored.

Regardless of that, I can use it from my sitemap, but nothing happens at all. Now not even the light is turning on but I suppose that is due of the fact that the thing to operate on is not there…

Ok, now the issue is on the binding’s side.
Can you download the updated version?

I hope the thing appears in the paperUI thing. If not, can you comment out the dimmerlight in your .things file and let it auto discover and add it manually?


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Tata!! Works now :partying_face:

I have the light binding back and also notice that, when I only use the slider to increase or decrease the light intensity, it turns on or off the light. So there’s no need to use a switch to first turn the light on and then vary the intensity. Awesome!


Great. Enjoy!
I will create a pull request so this feature will be part of the official distribution…

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Thanks for having extended your binding :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Ondrej,
I’m noticing some odd behavior on the dimmerlight thing, it toggles from online to offline and back continuously, which doesn’t happen with the awning thing I have:

2020-09-11 15:16:48.538 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'somfytahoma:dimmerlight:124adb98:4e4bbb37-c738-47be-8fd4-106f3ff66e11' changed from OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): unavailable to ONLINE
2020-09-11 15:16:48.547 [me.event.ThingUpdatedEvent] - Thing 'somfytahoma:dimmerlight:124adb98:4e4bbb37-c738-47be-8fd4-106f3ff66e11' has been updated.
2020-09-11 15:17:49.459 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'somfytahoma:dimmerlight:124adb98:4e4bbb37-c738-47be-8fd4-106f3ff66e11' changed from ONLINE to OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): unavailable
2020-09-11 15:17:49.465 [me.event.ThingUpdatedEvent] - Thing 'somfytahoma:dimmerlight:124adb98:4e4bbb37-c738-47be-8fd4-106f3ff66e11' has been updated.
2020-09-11 15:18:19.821 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'somfytahoma:dimmerlight:124adb98:4e4bbb37-c738-47be-8fd4-106f3ff66e11' changed from OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): unavailable to ONLINE
2020-09-11 15:18:19.839 [me.event.ThingUpdatedEvent] - Thing 'somfytahoma:dimmerlight:124adb98:4e4bbb37-c738-47be-8fd4-106f3ff66e11' has been updated.
2020-09-11 15:19:20.565 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'somfytahoma:dimmerlight:124adb98:4e4bbb37-c738-47be-8fd4-106f3ff66e11' changed from ONLINE to OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): unavailable
2020-09-11 15:19:20.571 [me.event.ThingUpdatedEvent] - Thing 'somfytahoma:dimmerlight:124adb98:4e4bbb37-c738-47be-8fd4-106f3ff66e11' has been updated.
2020-09-11 15:19:40.789 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - 'somfytahoma:dimmerlight:124adb98:4e4bbb37-c738-47be-8fd4-106f3ff66e11' changed from OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): unavailable to ONLINE
2020-09-11 15:19:40.806 [me.event.ThingUpdatedEvent] - Thing 'somfytahoma:dimmerlight:124adb98:4e4bbb37-c738-47be-8fd4-106f3ff66e11' has been updated.

Isn’t that odd?

Note that Thing update log refers to some property of the Thing changing, not the same as a status change like online/offline.
It’ll make the Thing reinitialize, which in turn will provoke status activity.

It’s the kind of uhh thing that can happen when an updated binding is used with a Thing defined with a previous version, like the channels don’t match etc.
Worth deleting your Thing and recreating. Using the same UID should re-link to existing other stuff.

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Ok, let’s try that!