Has anyone successfully used the REST API with the new MyOpenHAB could service? I’m trying to use Tasker to trigger an item via the cloud service and I’m not having any luck. So far I’ve tried:
Did you also try a POST to toggle a light for example?
I use Postman to send a HTTP POST request but I only get this back without an update of my item:
When I send the same plain\text command “ON” to the local url “http://IP_ADDRESS:8080/rest/items/Z1_OO1_Heater_State” this works perfectly. Can someone tell me why and how to fix it? @rlkoshak , I have a feeling that you could help me on this matter. If you have time, it would really be helpful!
You have to include basic auth in your URL. When going through myopenhab.org you must provide your username and password or else it doesn’t even have a way to know what account you are trying to connect to let alone whether you are authorized.
My content-type is text/plain and the body is ON. I tried to point out that it works like this with the local url but that I cannot get it working with the myopenhab url. Do you have any idea why?
I had to use home.myopenhab.org and HTTPS instead of HTTP.
Another question, is myopenhab a reliable solution? If no, what are the alternatives and how to implement them?
I use it to open my garage doors. In the past year or so I’ve never had a failure. There are occasional downtimes but thoes have become more and more rare over time.
If you don’t want to depend on the services, like Jerome mentions, you can set up your own instance.