This template rule enables OH to open and close the Tedee lock via Tedee bridge.
It needs two switch items for closing and opening, which should reset to OFF by Meta data - expire time 2 s.
Properties :
IP of bridge : “”
API Token : “12dFd4gD3DqQ” out of the Tedee app
Lock ID : “45666” out of the Tedee app
Mode : “3” - lock only opens without additional pull spring
“4” - lock opens incl. pull spring
If there is no wifi available or the Tedee bridge is disconnected, you will get one of these error messages in the log
[ERROR] [enhab.core.model.script.actions.HTTP] - Fatal transport error: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: Connect Timeout
[ERROR] [enhab.core.model.script.actions.HTTP] - Fatal transport error: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: Connection refused
If Tedee operation was successful, you will get no reply from the lock.
If you repeat the same request twice, the lock will answer
[INFO ] [enhab.automation.script.ui.TedeeTest] - Reply from Tedee Lock : {"error-code":2, "error-description":"BLE API error"}
You can limit the rule execution by adding some “But only if” conditions to the final rule by yourself, like execution is only allowed within 6.0 AM to 10.0 PM.
Language: JS scripting
you have to install third party file - npm install crypto-js - in $/conf/automation/js/node-modules
Version 0.1
- initial release
uid: kroenert:tedee
label: Tedee Lock
description: Opening and Closing the Tedee lock via Tedee bridge
- description: Item for opening
label: Item opening the lock
name: openLockItem
required: true
type: TEXT
context: item
- name: type
value: Switch
- description: Item for closing
label: Item closing the lock
name: closeLockItem
required: true
type: TEXT
context: item
- name: type
value: Switch
- description: Ip adress of the Tedee bridge
label: Bridge IP
name: bridge_Ip
required: true
type: TEXT
context: network-address
- description: API Token - from Tedee App
label: API Token
name: bridgeApiToken
required: true
type: TEXT
- description: Lock ID - from Tedee App
label: Lock ID
name: lock_Id
required: true
type: TEXT
- description: Mode to open Lock
label: Unlock Mode
name: unlock_mode
required: true
type: TEXT
- label: "no pullspring"
value: "3"
- label: "with pullspring"
value: "4"
limitToOptions: true
defaultValue: 3
type: TEXT
- id: "1"
itemName: "{{closeLockItem}}"
state: "ON"
type: core.ItemStateChangeTrigger
- id: "2"
itemName: "{{openLockItem}}"
state: "ON"
type: core.ItemStateChangeTrigger
conditions: []
- inputs: {}
id: "3"
type: application/javascript
script: >
var CryptoJS = require('crypto-js');
function getApiKey(ret_bridgeApiToken){
var timestamp = new Date().getTime();
var hash = CryptoJS.SHA256(ret_bridgeApiToken+timestamp).toString();
var ret_api_key = hash+timestamp;
return ret_api_key;
if ((items.{{closeLockItem}}.state == "ON") || (items.{{openLockItem}}.state == "ON")) {
var api_key = getApiKey("{{bridgeApiToken}}");
var content_type = "application/json";
var content= "Content-Length: 0 ";
if (items.{{closeLockItem}}.state == "ON") {
var header = new Map();
header.set( "accept","*/*");
header.set( "api_token",api_key);
var lock_url = "http://"+"{{bridge_Ip}}"+"/v1.0/lock/"+"{{lock_Id}}"+"/lock";
if (items.{{openLockItem}}.state == "ON"){
var header = new Map();
header.set( "accept","*/*");
header.set( "mode","{{unlock_mode}}");
header.set( "api_token",api_key);
var lock_url = "http://"+"{{bridge_Ip}}"+"/v1.0/lock/"+"{{lock_Id}}"+"/unlock";
var lockRequest = actions.HTTP.sendHttpPostRequest(lock_url,content_type,content,header, 5000);
if ( lockRequest != "") console.log("Reply from Tedee Lock : "+ lockRequest);
console.log("Event not excisting");
type: script.ScriptAction