I used the telegram binding in spring of this year, haven’t used it since and it seems broken now.
I get messages by using the url (I censored it here) in the browser:
https://api.telegram.org/bot5239058996:AAGLbK0Te4j ///privacy ///// tUyjdHZGk/sendMessage?chat_id=6640XX577&text=testing
But even simple rules fail to send messages.
I recreated the item and the rule, still same error. I am positive to have the corrent uid, as shown in the picture.
configuration: {}
- id: "1"
cronExpression: 0/60 0 8 * * ? *
type: timer.GenericCronTrigger
conditions: []
- inputs: {}
id: "2"
type: application/javascript
script: >-
val telegramAction =
telegramAction.sendTelegram("Hello world!")
type: script.ScriptAction
Any hints what could cause the error? I also fail to get some logs about this, can start Karaf and I use:
log:tail org.openhab.binding.telegram
but it shows nothing:
openhab> log:tail org.openhab.binding.telegram
^C~ openhab>
I just stopped it with Ctrl +C after 3 min.
OpenHAB is running in a lxc container. I recently updated OH3, so there is connection to internet.
On the host, I can also run
curl -s -X POST https://api.telegram.org/bot523XXX96:AAGLbK0XXXXXXXXXXXXUyjdHZGk/sendMessage -F chat_id='66XXX7577' -F text='test message'
but on the lxc container, there is no reply. I have to stop it with Ctrl + C. So its probably an error with the lxc network configuration.