Here is my situation,
Where the actual temperature is 23.5 and not 235.0
I have an item edit with meta of [%2.1f °C] but of course won’t work.
Any suggestions?
Here is my situation,
Where the actual temperature is 23.5 and not 235.0
I have an item edit with meta of [%2.1f °C] but of course won’t work.
Any suggestions?
Add an ‘Incoming Value Transformation’?
Things → [Your Thing] → Channels → [Your Channel] → Configure Channel → check ‘Show advanced’ → Incoming Value Transformation
( function(i) { return i / 10 } ) (input)
as a JSTransformation (place the code into a file divide_by_10.js
and put JS:divide_by_10.js
into the input box) should do the trick. IIRC, you would have to install the ‘Javascript Transformation’ add-on.
Looks like your tuya Thing doesn’t support ‘Incoming Value Transformation’, but you should be able to use a Profile for conversion, see New Z-Wave hardware: Neo Coolcam PIR 5 in 1, NAS-PD07Z - #22 by Ap15e .
I managed to create a transformation.js file and map it with the metadata. That worked fine, but still if I have to make a rule and use that particular item, I should take for example the 21°C as 210, unfortunately.
If you use a profile like @anon71759204 recommends, it will transform the number before it gets to the Item.
I’ve stack in here, as I have many transformations installed, including JS, but there is no way to apply a profile. Is there something to do with the edit in the item file and not in the UI?
You want to do a divide by 10 so you’ll want to use a JS transform. For something this simple you can use an inline transform as documented. In fact the example shown in the docs is exactly your use case, divide by 10.
Now I’m trying to figure out the inline formatting.
Number:Temperature Living_FanCT "Living Room FCT Temp [JS(| input / 10):%.1f °C]" <temperature> { channel="tuya:tuyaDevice:38381801e868e770395e:temp_current" }
How does it look?
Fine I guess, but that’s just going to change the label. If you want to change it before it gets to the Item, you’ll have to use a profile. Items | openHAB
Would you mind giving an example?
Sure, since the examples that are at that link and the link to the JS Transformation add-on are not sufficient.
Number:Temperature Living_FanCT "Living Room FCT Temp [JS(| input / 10):%.1f °C]" <temperature> { channel="tuya:tuyaDevice:38381801e868e770395e:temp_current" [profile="transform:JS", function="| input / 10"]}
That was helpful, thanks a lot, and of course thank you all for your time.
Now I’m trying to figure out how I could get one decimal back because it has disappeared