Tesla addon binding Forbidden on set_charging_amps

Hi all,
I don’t know if this issue appears with last tesla update (2024.20.1) but I can’t set charge amps now. In log I have this :

2024-06-12 12:20:00.627 [DEBUG] [internal.handler.TeslaAccountHandler] - Invoking: set_charging_amps
2024-06-12 12:20:00.929 [DEBUG] [internal.handler.TeslaAccountHandler] - An error occurred while communicating with the vehicle during request set_charging_amps: 403: Forbidden

Some days before, openhab was able to manage this based on my solar production but now its forbidden. I tried changing the refresh token, all tesla state works well (status, location, battery state etc…) but not setting the charge amp.
Do you have similar issue with tesla api since last update ? or maybe Tesla just denied the command ?

In fact all charging command stop working:

2024-06-12 12:34:31.911 [DEBUG] [internal.handler.TeslaAccountHandler] - Invoking: charge_stop
2024-06-12 12:34:32.309 [DEBUG] [internal.handler.TeslaAccountHandler] - An error occurred while communicating with the vehicle during request charge_stop: 403: Forbidden
2024-06-12 12:34:51.377 [DEBUG] [internal.handler.TeslaVehicleHandler] - Querying the vehicle, response : 200, OK

I can’t find anywhere if it’s Tesla API.
If you have any suggestions or informations about this…

Thank you

Ok my tesla needs the new Fleet API now. you can delete my post. Previous post already talk about

can you explain this, please? I have the same issue. Thank you!

Me too please.


I have exactly the same problem. When setting charge amps or try to start/stop charging, I see the following log entries (debug):

2024-08-19 12:32:56.180 [DEBUG] [internal.handler.TeslaVehicleHandler] - handleCommand tesla:modely:tesla:ModelY:chargingamps 6 A
2024-08-19 12:32:56.181 [DEBUG] [internal.handler.TeslaAccountHandler] - Invoking: set_charging_amps
2024-08-19 12:32:56.333 [DEBUG] [internal.handler.TeslaAccountHandler] - An error occurred while communicating with the vehicle during request set_charging_amps: 403: Forbidden
2024-08-19 12:36:20.577 [DEBUG] [internal.handler.TeslaVehicleHandler] - handleCommand tesla:modely:tesla:ModelY:charge OFF
2024-08-19 12:36:20.578 [DEBUG] [internal.handler.TeslaAccountHandler] - Invoking: charge_stop
2024-08-19 12:36:20.727 [DEBUG] [internal.handler.TeslaAccountHandler] - An error occurred while communicating with the vehicle during request charge_stop: 403: Forbidden

Not sure if there was a change in the API since the last update, but sending commands does not work at all, getting updates from the car (location, battery level, etc.) works as expected.

Sorry for the delay !
Now we can’t send command to vehicle from https://www.teslaapi.io/ we can read information only now.
We need to send command via Tesla Fleet API… really bad news :frowning: i just register as developper, it’s working if you have webserver with public DNS and good certificate answering to tesla but limited to 5 charging commands a day. I’m sending about 30/day if solar production goes in other thing during the day.
Best workaround I found: using an old Raspberry (or any computer with BLE) to directly send command to my M3 via BLE. it make register the computer as a drive key
It’s working like a charm
GitHub - teslamotors/vehicle-command
After I adapted with a webserver on my Rpi and create an http thing

// Tesla BLE
Thing http:url:tesla "Tesla via BLE" [baseURL="", timeout=10000, delay=200 , commandMethod="POST" ] {
		Type number : chargingamps	"charge ampere"			[ commandExtension="?action=charging-set-amps&value=%2$s", mode="WRITEONLY"]
		Type number : chargingsetlimit	"limite de charge"	[ commandExtension="?action=charging-set-limit&value=%2$s", mode="WRITEONLY"]
		Type switch : charge	"Charge ou pas"				[ commandExtension="?action=charge&value=%2$s", onValue="ON", offValue="OFF", mode="WRITEONLY" ]
		Type switch : lock		"Verrouille ou pas"			[ commandExtension="?action=lock&value=%2$s", onValue="ON", offValue="OFF", mode="WRITEONLY" ]
		Type switch : wake 		"Reveil"					[ commandExtension="?action=wake&value=%2$s", onValue="ON", offValue="OFF", mode="WRITEONLY" ]
		Type switch : flashlights 		"Allume les feux"	[ commandExtension="?action=flash-lights&value=%2$s", onValue="ON", offValue="OFF", mode="WRITEONLY" ]

and adapted items example (first one with Tesla addon and second one just http addon) :

Number		TeslaChargeRate			"Vitesse de charge[%d km/h]"					{channel="tesla:model3:myaccount:LRW3XXXXX:chargerate"}
Number		TeslaChargingAmps		"Ampérage charge[%d A]"							{channel="http:url:tesla:chargingamps"}

Godd luck !