sice today the openhab is not usable anymore. If i start the App, I got the error “openHAB Beta is finished” and testflight link an GitHub - openhab/openhab-ios: The repository of the iOS client says, that: " This beta isn’t accepting any new testers right now. "
Any options to get the current version of the App again?
HI , we submitted a new version yesterday, we are waiting on approval so . This testflight version however temporary removes the Apple Watch Target. We have been working with Apple support as the provisioning ID we use for the Watchkit extension has disappeared from our account, which was preventing us from pushing new builds (hence why we have not had any in a while) . According to Apple, once an ID is pushed to the App store, it’s immutable and can not be deleted from your account or changed to something else within your app (even though it certainly seems to be deleted).
Hey @digitaldan Thanks. I switched back to the official release yesterday, because it is hard to explain my wife, that the app do not work anymore every few months Are there any plans to publish the current beta as regular release in the feature? Do you need any help, or could I support an App Store release?
That’s why I installed official version on my wife’s iPhone but am using beta on mine
In case as of now I simply use MainUI in Safari and switch over to BaiscUI.
We have been blocked from publishing to the app store until Apple can restore this ID. As soon as that happens we will push a new build. I don’t have any ETA, but as of this week our case has been escalated to Apple engineering to investigate.