Testflight App do no work anymore?

Found the Link to version 3.0.4, but with this version the screen is endless loading.

Could you share the link?

you can find it here:

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If you activate „Anmeldedaten immer senden“ what happens?
Are you able to login to myopenhab with a browser?

Seems weird. On my side everything is working, too.
Maybe double check your binding settings?
Are you sure your openhab server is connected to myopenhab?

If you activate „Anmeldedaten immer senden“ what happens?

this makes no difference.

Maybe double check your binding settings?

Settings of which binding?
These are the settings at openhab:

Are you sure your openhab server is connected to myopenhab?

Yes. When i login to myopenhab.org in a browser, everything works fine.

Hit the save button in this screenshot and check the logs if the server establishes a connection.

I will try it this evening, but I think this shouldn’t be the problem. Otherwise it would not work at the browser?

Sorry if this has already been asked, what iOS version do you use?

Yes, you‘re right. Did you try deleting the device from home.myopenhab.org?
Not sure if that helps. Getting out of ideas like yourself.

iOS 17.5.1

I cant find any device there - maybe this is the issue?

That only means that no device has registered with your myopenhab account yet.
I wonder why it has been working before.
The last idea would be to entirely delete all openhab apps inkl. any data and restart from scratch.
Please do provide your myopenhab username and password in the app‘s settings.

The installation of the v3 release was already an installation from scratch.
My username and password is provided in the app.

I am out of ideas, except trying with a different device and enabling debug log.