The Thing is me. How to?

I’m still a very beginner with openhab and just tracking infomations. But:

How can I statistically evaluate a heating consumption if I am the “thing”?

I can read my consumption meter for each heating system. 1, 3, 6, 7, 11 … increasing (and resets possible).

The heaters themselves have a “Thing” as a thermostat (Fritz 301).

How do I get the data into the system and can I then prepare the consumption data graphically?

As I save all the data from my “Things” in the database, there should be a way to use this as an input if necessary, but how do I teach the software to use this?

Or what kind of possibiliy exists?

Kind regards

Wie kann ich einen Heizungsverbrauch statistisch auswerten, wenn ich das “Thing” bin?

Mein Verbrauchszähler jeder Heizung kann ich ablesen. 1, 3, 6, 7, 11 … steigend.

Die Heizungen selbst haben ein “Thing” als Thermostat (Fritz 301).

Wie bekomme ich die Daten in das System und kann mir dann die Verbrauchsdaten grafisch aufbereiten?

Da ich alle Daten meiner “Things” in der Datenbank speichere, müsste es ja einen Weg geben, diese ggf. als Eingabe zu nutzen, aber wie bringe ich das der Software bei?

In what database are you persiting the states of your items?


In what database are you persiting the states of your items?

JDBC adapter using MariaDB

There might be a confusion with terminology. To avoid explaining wrong, you mean Items right? Things do not get saved anywhere. Things are linked to Items and it’s Items that get saved to databases and it’s Items that get charted.

Assuming your MySQL is configured correctly and your Things are configured correctly you need to create Items and link them to the Channels of your Things. There’s an option “Create Equipment from Thing” which you can use to create and link to the Items all at once.

Once they are linked to Items the default persistence strategy for MySQL should start storing every change. You’ll also see them on your overview tabs.

You can create a Chart page but for sensor values like this you can just click on the Item in the overview page and it will bring up a chart automatically.

Are you using MainUI Pages? Then you can have Charts of your data:

If you are using HABPanel you could use Chart Widgets:

Is it that you are looking for?

thx! yes item!
I will check and come back later!

no, but thanks for the hints !