The Ultimate Toggle Widget


We all need a Widget to turn things On and Off. We also need them to display anything with two states (Open/Closed or Present/Absent etc.)
But we also may have Equipment that does more than just switch an Item (eg. Dimmers and Colour Lights) and sometimes we need to access these extra Items.

This is the widget which gives you all of the above and possibly more.
Its a self contained, standalone widget that can be used with any Item that has two states.
It can be used to just display an Item with two states or provide a toggle function when you click/touch anywhere on the widget.
If an Equipment group is configured it will display a menu Icon and when clicked will show all members of that group and allow you to interact with them.

The displayed Font, Color, Background and even the States themselves are configurable on the advanced properties. (defaults are set for normal ON/OFF switch)
You can also configure a footer Item to display a secondary Item (i.e. The brightness value of a dimmer)

I’m working on a Multistate Widget so keep an eye out for that.
Please feel free to give any sort of feedback.



Version 0.1

  • initial release


uid: widget_Toggle
tags: []
    - description: Just display the Item state with no user interaction
      label: Display Only
      name: displayOnly
      required: false
      type: BOOLEAN
    - default: Title
      description: Title to display
      label: Title
      name: Title
      required: false
      type: TEXT
    - default: switch
      description: oh:iconName or iconName (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">openHAB icon</a>), f7:iconName (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">Framework7 icon</a>), material:iconName (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">Material icon</a>) or iconify:iconSet:iconName (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">Iconify icon</a>, requires being online if not in cache)
      label: Main Icon
      name: mainIcon
      required: false
    - context: item
      description: Enter Main Item to Display.
      label: Main Item
      name: itemMain
      required: true
      type: TEXT
    - context: item
      description: Equipment/group for Menu Action
      label: Equipment
      name: itemEq
      required: false
      type: TEXT
    - default: ON/OFF
      description: Enter ON/OFF State Alias. Useful when using different DisplayStates
      label: State Aliases
      name: stateAlias
      required: false
      type: TEXT
      groupName: advanced
      advanced: true
    - default: "Aquamarine/linear-gradient(40deg, #DAE2F8 0%, #D6A4A4 100%)"
      description: Enter ON/OFF Backgroup colour
      label: Background Colours
      name: bgColour
      required: false
      type: TEXT
      groupName: advanced
      advanced: true
    - default: red/green
      description: Enter ON/OFF Font colour
      label: Font Colours
      name: fntColour
      required: false
      type: TEXT
      groupName: advanced
      advanced: true
    - context: item
      description: Enter Footer Item to display.
      label: footer Item
      name: footerItem
      required: false
      type: TEXT
      groupName: footer
    - description: Enter Footer Icon to Display
      label: Footer Icon
      name: footerIcon
      required: false
      type: TEXT
      groupName: footer
    - name: advanced
      description: State and Color settings
    - name: footer
      description: Icon and Item for Footer
timestamp: Sep 9, 2023, 6:04:33 PM
component: f7-card
    background: =(@props.itemMain == props.stateAlias.split('/')[0]) ? props.bgColour.split('/')[0]:props.bgColour.split('/')[1]
    border: 3px
    border-radius: 15px
    border-style: =(@props.itemMain == props.stateAlias.split('/')[0])  ? 'inset':'outset'
    - component: oh-link
        action: '=(!props.displayOnly) ? "toggle" : ""'
        actionCommand: ON
        actionCommandAlt: OFF
        actionItem: =props.itemMain
        no-link-class: true
          border-radius: inherit
          display: flex
          flex-direction: column
          justify-content: flex-start
          width: 100%
          - component: f7-row
                display: flex
                flex-direction: row
                justify-content: space-between
                width: 100%
                - component: Label
                      color: black
                      font-size: .8rem
                      font-weight: bold
                      padding-left: .7rem
                      padding-top: .3rem
                    text: =props.Title
                - component: oh-button
                    action: group
                    actionGroupPopupItem: =props.itemEq
                    icon-f7: menu
                    iconSize: 1rem
                    small: true
                      color: black
                    visible: '=(props.itemEq) ? "true" : "false"'
          - component: f7-col
                display: flex
                flex-direction: column
                height: 4rem
                justify-content: space-evenly
                - component: f7-row
                      display: flex
                      flex-direction: row
                      justify-content: center
                      width: 100%
                      - component: oh-icon
                          color: =(@props.itemMain == props.stateAlias.split('/')[0]) ? props.fntColour.split('/')[0]:props.fntColour.split('/')[1]
                          height: 36
                          icon: =props.mainIcon
                          state: =@props.itemMain
                      - component: Label
                            color: black
                            font-size: 190%
                            font-weight: bold
                          text: =@props.itemMain
                - component: f7-row
                      display: flex
                      flex-direction: row
                      justify-content: center
                      width: 100%
                    visible: "= (props.footerItem)? true : false"
                      - component: oh-icon
                          height: 16
                          icon: =(props.footerIcon)
                          state: =@props.footerItem
                            padding-right: .2rem
                            padding-top: .1rem
                      - component: Label
                            color: black
                            font-size: .8rem
                            font-weight: bold
                          text: =@props.footerItem

1 Like

Looks good but the graphics are so retro. Good job. Thank you

Thats the Best part. You can choose the ON and OFF background and icon colours.
These a mostly default OH icons so I guess OH is retro :slight_smile:

It reminds me of something from windows 95 or 98 but don’t remember what its the border style and using gradients.
But hey works good any change to include dimmer numbers etc or is this quote below you are referring that you are working?

I just remove that border and took the gradient off so it fits more into openhab theme :pensive: sorry

Do you mean you want to see the dimmer level? you can do that by adding a footer item.

This can be used to display pretty much any item data if you turn on the Display Only property but the backgrouind and icon colours can only be set to two values.

If you want to control an item with Multiply states and display different colours for each state then yes that is a work in progress.

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The toggle by pressing the anywhere is not working, pressing the menu on the top right is working.
it says communication failure.
something i’m missing?

to fix this error go to developer tools → widgets → edit the widget-toggle

find the lines with:

        actionCommand: true
        actionCommandAlt: false

change to

        actionCommand: ON
        actionCommandAlt: OFF

…the imported code is not the same that is written in the first post :frowning: