Sorry to hijack the thread but I’m also seeing some weird behavior on Google assistant side.
I’ve edited the metadata code, but some modes are not showing, the mode isn’t showing on Google home app, there’s information missing and overall the entire thing appears quite buggy,
value: Thermostat
thermostatModes: off,auto=heat_cool,cool,fan=fan_only,dry,heat
useFahrenheit: false
thermostatTemperatureRange: 4,35
My thermostat ^
And this is what I see in Google home :
Missing mode in Google home -
Missing “fan” mode option inside of thermostat in Google home:
Now I have the mode “off” but inside of the thermostat it says “on” ?!
Outside of the thermostat it says off, but inside says on, but I don’t have ano “on” mode?
It’s super weird because sometimes I see the thermostat in Google home as “off” or “offline”. Then I enter the thermostat and it’s “on” (??) but I don’t have an on state…
This is the item mode:
label: Mode
type: String
category: climate
- Office_ac
- OfficeThermostat
- Point
Anyone has a clue? No idea if relevant, but if I create another dummy item, and sync the state between the one above and that dummy item, and expose the dummy item to Google home instead… then it works!! I don’t get it!
Edit: I bumped into Google documentation and noticed they have fan written as “fan-only”. Replaced fan with fan-only and now Google home does show the fan mode.
But the thermostat is still going crazy over here
Even offline, the commands are accepted…
Found something… it’s something related to the esphome binding I believe. If I link a dummy item to an esphome device channel, it breaks Google home app… now I’m stumped.
Final edit for now:
Moved on from the esphome api by adding Mqtt to the firmware. Mqtt works fine in Google home. So that’s that.