
Looking for recommendations for an openhab 2.5.10 compatible zwave thermostat that can do the following:

From an openhab perspective: allow me to remotely set temp, heat, ac and determine if the system is on, off, or starts, stops.

Bonus if it allows me to control the ac/heat from an app or web page as well

I’m growing tired of ecobee and it’s server being up/down up/down. I’d like to not rely on any outside servers for my automation solutions where possible.


Have you looked at this?

I’m currently in the process of getting this setup I am planning to replace the main controller for the boiler with a WiFi relay and create my own touch screen control panel for around the house. Plus the use of the openhab app.

I don’t even know what this is LOL. :slight_smile: My guess, from what you are saying is you’re going to piece something together? I’m not that savvy. Looking more for a zwave thermostat that works and is easily added to the system.

That is correct my friend. I would search the forum for relevant zwave devices. Unfortunately I have no experience with zwave. I only use Zigbee and mqtt enabled devices.

Thanks :slight_smile:

You failed to mention where you are located
Eurotronics Spirit for EU frequency will do.

I second Markus’ suggestion in case you would like to control radiators. I have the Eurotronic Spirit thermostats myself and I am very satisfied with them.
However, I suspect you are looking for a control device for your boiler?

:sweat_smile: right, now I made the same mistake US guys make all the time: they assume their counterpart has the same notion as they do.
But in (almost) the rest of world a “thermostat” include a valve and a handle (the British call that a ‘TRV’)

I use for the wall heating Eutronic Spirit and for the underfloor heating MCO Home (MCOEMH7H-EH2). In the MCO documentation also boilers are mentioned.
Both works with openhab (tested with 2.5.9, 3.1.0).


Sorry I’m in the US :slight_smile:

So what you mean is a numeric input device plus a thermometer.

Possibly known as a room thermostat?

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My heating uses this sort of thing:
(it’s available elsewhere too, like - fleabay is probably worth a look)

It’s “just” a way to see the current demand temperature, and can show the current room temperature too. It won’t (by itself) control anything, or be controlled by anything other than your fingers if you walk up to it. For that, you need some sort of cleverness, in my case provided by the vendor’s own hub, but could be an OpenHab server too, I guess (I’ve never tried).

You can just replace your current thermostat with a sonoff basic and a DH11, A thermostat is just a switch, all you need to do is turn the switch on and off. The photo is what I’ve replaced my old 3 wire mechanical thermostat with. You can add a DHT11 temp sensor to the gpio on the sonoff basic, flash the sonoff with Tasmota, and connect it up to openhab. all for around £10

I’ve got 11 of these in my house and they have been working flawlessly for months. I would consider myself a novice too.

FYI if you are going to attempt this then make sure you turn the electricity supply off!! I didn’t and it wasn’t pleasant.

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